Madness Combat Wiki (2025)

1. Madness Combat Wiki

  • 2BDamned

  • Please register before editing so we can keep track of your contributions. Madness Combat 9.5 part 2 was released July 9th, 2022

2. Madness Combat Wiki

  • 3 mrt 2024 · The Madness Combat Wiki aims to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on the popular Flash animation series Madness Combat.

  • "The Madness Combat Wiki aims to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on the popular Flash animation series Madness Combat, including characters, weapons, and episodes. Our goal is to be the go-to source for all things Madness Combat, fostering a community of fans who can share their knowledge and enthusiasm for the series."

3. Madness Combat Tributes Wiki | Fandom

4. Discuss Everything About Madness Combat Wiki | Fandom

  • A tribute to Madness and... · In General · Grunt

  • "Auditor and the agency in a nutshell " and more great discussions about Madness Combat Wiki

5. Madness Combat | Wikigrounds, the free Newgrounds encyclopedia

  • Madness Combat is an Adobe Flash series made by Krinkels. The series centers on Hank J. Wimbleton: a man tasked to wipe out an agency specifically tasked to ...

  • Madness Combat is an Adobe Flash series made by Krinkels. The series centers on Hank J. Wimbleton: a man tasked to wipe out an agency specifically tasked to kill him. Despite being killed several times, he is constantly revived and continues his mission to wipe out the agency It is distinguished by its unique style of animation; every character in the series is drawn simplistically, the primary color is gray, and facial features are replaced by a cross on each character's face. This is a common

6. Hank J. Wimbleton - Madness Combat Wiki

  • 6 mrt 2024 · Hank is an excellent hand to hand combatant, capable of murdering dozens of enemies in close combat either using melee weapons or his bare hands.

  • -A psychopathic mercenary gunman on a take-no-prisoners mission to wipe out an all-powerful which maintains a stranglehold on Nevada with its seemingly unlimited supply of loyal and disposable soldiers. Hank is the primary anti-hero of the series.- MADNESS: Project Nexus Kickstarter

7. Madness Combat | REALM Wiki - Fandom

  • Madness Combat is a Flash animation series made by Matt "Krinkels" Jolly on Newgrounds. The series is about Hank J. Wimbleton and his fights against his ...

  • Madness Combat is a Flash animation series made by Matt "Krinkels" Jolly on Newgrounds. The series is about Hank J. Wimbleton and his fights against his foes in Nevada. REALM is inspired by Madness Combat and takes place in the Madness Combat universe. Though events from the Madness Combat series are referenced in REALM, none of the main characters ever make an actual appearance, save for a brief glimpse in REALM: Project 00X of the Auditor exploding during his battle with Hank and Sanford in Ma

8. Madness Combat Revision | VS Battles Wiki Forum

  • 8 okt 2023 · Here I want to show proofs of verse being 5D 1. Everything in Nevada described as story by The Maker in The Machine, which sounds as R>F ...

  • Here I want to show proofs of verse being 5D 1. Everything in Nevada described as story by The Maker in The Machine, which sounds as R>F transcending and at least applicable to him and likely to The Machine (They are must be comparable based on this quotes). However, here also mentioned that...

Madness Combat Wiki (2025)


Why do krinkels hate Deimos? ›

Trivia. Krinkels would confirm that Deimos is the shortest character in comparison to Sanford and Hank. He is likely to dislike this fact, as giant-looking grunts serve as the main enemies of DEDMOSREBUILT. fla, alongside a poster that reads "WE ALWAYS THOUGHT you were a little on the small side.

Is Hank J. Wimbleton autistic? ›

He's an asexual demiboy. He's autistic but unaware of it. He was never diagnosed.

Is Hank J. Wimbleton asexual? ›

Hank is asexual, described by Krinkels as an "ace sigma". They are aromantic as well, as Krinkels has confirmed that dating and relationships do not occur in Nevada.

Why does Tricky wear a mask? ›

Tricky's mask comes from Madness Combat 4: Apotheosis, where he dons the mask for his "DJ Tricky" persona and has been subsequently damaged throughout the series' progression.

Is Deimos a bad guy? ›

Gerald Morris, or Deimos, is a former Rainbow operative who became a villain once it was revealed he was the mastermind behind the assassination of Masayuki Yahata. He is also the catalyst behind the conflict between Rainbow and Nighthaven.

How did Deimos lose his jaw? ›

Deimos is shown to have appeared in his own purgatory, where he had to fight through many agents and much damage to himself, even losing parts of his face and his whole jaw.

Is Hank non-binary? ›

Gender. Krinkels (the creator of the Madness Combat series) has hinted that no character in the Madness Combat series has a birth gender and in the description for Madness Combat 9.5, Hank is referred to with both he and they pronouns, which means that Hank is possible non-binary or agender.

Is Hank a bad guy in Madness Combat? ›

Wimbleton is the main protagonist of the Madness Combat franchise. He is a violent mercenary constantly pursued by the Agency Against Hank Wimbleton, founded specifically to kill him. Due to the ambiguous nature of the series, Hank's motives are never fully shown.

Who is White Hank? ›

White Hank, also called "Wank" is a mysterious character whose appearance resembles Hank J. Wimbleton and the main protagonist of the WhiteHank series of Madness Combat tribute animations.

What is Tricky's real name in Madness Combat? ›

Hofnarr , better known as Tricky the Clown is the secondary antagonist of the Madness Combat franchise, and the arch-nemesis of Hank J. Wimbleton. He was a Nexus Core scientist, an A.A.H.W.

Is Tricky A Boy or a girl? ›

She is the first female character in the game.

Who is the weakest Madness Combat character? ›

Grunts are the weakest members of the A.A.H.W. and also the term used to refer to any unadorned character.

Is Deimos stronger than Hank? ›

He can throw around enemies larger than him, spin, bicycle, drop-kick, and even slam or stomp enemies hard enough to firmly embed them into walls or floors. With all of this, Deimos' overall abilities in hand-to-hand and melee combat put him up to a level comparable to, if not greater than Mag Hank.

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Article information

Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 5357

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.