1. Projects - Ohio Department of Transportation
Find Projects by Location. Click your county on the map below for projects in your area. ... Know the Project ID (PID) number? Enter the number here to go ...
Information on current and upcoming investments in the state transportation system.
2. All Projects | Ohio Department of Transportation
A set of 14 projects to reconstruct, widen, and improve I-75 between Paddock Road and the Western Hills Viaduct in Cincinnati.
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3. Construction Zones - Ohio Turnpike
Construction Zones. There are no alerts at this time. To navigate the map with touch gestures double-tap and hold your finger on the map, then drag the map.
This website is a public service provided by the Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission and all information is believed to be accurate. Accessibility issues, inaccurate information, and/or inappropriate, offensive or misleading information on the site should be sent to the customer service department.
4. Ohio Traffic and Road Closure Information
Ohio Traffic Information · Columbus Road Construction Information ("Paving the Way") · Ohio Turnpike Information including: Traffic Alerts.
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5. ODOT- Current and Future Projects | Greene County, OH - Official Website
This map displays scheduled projects to be completed by contract or ODOT county forces between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2028.
ODOT District 8
6. Construction - Ohio Turnpike
The Ohio Turnpike's mainline bridge over Skadden Road/state Route 99 (milepost 111.2) will be redecked. Two lanes of traffic will be maintained during the ...
7. Interactive Map: Road construction in the Miami Valley - Dayton Daily News
Use the map below for information on road construction projects reported by the Ohio Department of Transportation and municipalities.
Use the map below for information on road construction projects reported by the Ohio Department of Transportation and municipalities. Click on a menu item on the left or a red line on the map for more information about that project.
8. Street & Road Projects - City of Columbus, Ohio
Plan, design, construct, and maintain the roadway system and its right-of-way within the City of Columbus.
The Divisions of Infrastructure Management, Traffic Management, and Design and Construction plan, design, construct, and maintain the roadway system and its right-of-way within the City of Columbus.Project Information Information about current and upcoming construction...