From Lyons, Escapes After Night as Prisoner of China Reds. WITH U. S. 2D DIVISION, A stocky, blond Kansas captain can artillery position this morning Chinese Reds. His captivity ended abruptly his guard.
Capt. Donald M. Fulton, brought with him a dozen Yanks he found wandering in the North Korean hills at daybreak. They were cut off from their units by Communist night attacks. Fulton, an artillery liaison ficer with the United States 2d division "got the word late last night (Saturday) that an artillery outfit across the road from us was in a firefight." At the time Fulton was in a command post in a Korean mudhut selephoning his artillery battalion for support fire for two forward infantry companies.
Heard Firing "Suddenly I heard firing. small arms, close." he said. "Then there was nobody around me. "I said 'Jim (Capt. James D.
Baldridge, Bolse, Idaho, who was on the other end of the phone line). I'm "I walked out of the shack into a moonlight night and there they were. "There were 30 to 40 Chinese soldiers." They relieved Fulton of his carbine and revolver. compass, flashlight and bayonet. getting a big kick Korea, Nov.
(Delayed)-(P) walked nonchalantly into an Ameriafter a night: as a prisoner of the when an American mortar killed out of getting something they wanted." Then, under fire of American soldiers on, a nearby, hill, they marched him up "All this was done by hand motion." Fulton continued. "None of them spoke English and I speak no Chinese." As soon as the group preached the hilltop they were under fire by American soldiers, Sweats Out Mortar Fire Small arms fire clipped the tree and American mortars walloped into the hill. "I was sweating out those mortars as much as the Chinese," Fulton said. The Chinese were "mighty nice" to him, Fulton continued. When they were under fire they made him get down I thought they were going to shoot but when the fire eased, they hustled him along the line.
"Finally one Chinese on me as arguard and he was overly nice." Kansan said. The guard made him get down and arise as the American fire increased and lessened. They NANCY- By Ernie Bushmiller I'M HAVING 'CHILDREN TODAY, SO SEEN AND VISITORS SHOULD BE OKAY I REMEMBER NOT HEARD' 6 A he Per DICK TRACY- WITHOUT KNOWING THAT HER DYING FATHER IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THAT SCREEN, SPARKLE PLENTY SINGS FOR THE CHILDREN. COME AND SIT HE SIDE, LEETLE DARLIN': HIS LIP QUIVERED! WHAT; YOU SEE IT? AND HIS EYELIDS MOVED! Crossword Puzzle ACROSS. I Book love: of Bible Ignoble 12.
Soak 13. Tight 14. State 15. Secretaries 18. Sarcasm 19.
Soak 20. Elude 21. Dined 12. Jackdaw 35. Tardy 96.
European herb Finial 18. Former nese man 20 the ground during one brisk exchange and then the guard stood up and motioned Fulton to do the same. "I had just gotten. up on my knees and he was standing about 10 feet behind me. A mortar got him." The shell fell directly behind the Chinese guard and blew him to bits.
Fulton edged off the ridge and dropped down into a hand-sized cornfield in which there was one shock of corn. Stayed in Corn Shock He dove into the stalk which crackled like tin, He lay there until about 5 a. near the Chinese he could hear them talking. "It was all quiet. There wasn't a sound." Fulton stayed in the corn shock until 6:15 a.
m. Then, peering down into a valley, he sighted a dozen Yanks. "The minute I saw them I made a dive down the hill. Cold- -God, was cold. My feet felt like they weren't there and I actually dove down the hill." Then, "we all took off, walked about eight miles and into another field artillery battalion." He said the Chinese carried burp guns, Thompson sub-machine guns or copies of them, and rifles.
Some of the Chinese sol-! diers had two weapons each. Rubber Falls 21 Cents in Two Weeks NEW YORK, Nov. 27. -1P The price of natural rubber has a big tumble. The fall fol-1 lowed a combined onslaught by man and nature.
Two weeks ago sold at 86 cents a pound. That was the peak quotation for No. 1 ribbed de smoked sheets in New York in the midst of the Korean war boom demand. By the end of last week rubber had broken 21 cents a pound to 65 cents. That price is still mous compared with last spring when you could buy rubber for around 20 cents.
There has been a tremendous demand for rubber ever since the end of the last war. Southeast Asia, which produced between 90 and 95 per cent of the world's supply, has stepped up its production capacity steadily. Keeps a Jump Ahead Demand always has kept a jump ahead; and last spring rubber prices started to climb. Synthetic rubber is pegged at 181, cents 8 pound, and this served to anchor natural. But once.
the price of natural went well beyond that level, there was no stopping it. Rising prices brought out more and more rubber from the Asian jungles until now production is at an all-time high. Under ordinary circumstances that alone would be enough to press prices down again. But times are not ordinary now, and the need for rubber for military use and for stockpiling is urgent. The government cut back civilian use of natural rubber and started rolling out synthetic.
Regulations called for the use of natural rubber at the rate of 52.000 000 tons in November, 45,000 in December, 40,000 in January, and 35,000 tons in February and also in March. In the face of these orders to reduce the use of natural rubber, total industry consumption of new natural and synthetic in October hit an all-time high of 0117.935 tons, as estimated by the Rubber Manufacturers Association. Imports at Record High Meanwhile, the imports of natural rubber and natural latex were reported at a record high of 81,000 tons in October. All of this has the producers of natural rubber worried. The natural rubber bureau in Washlington, an organization formed last year by growers in Malaya, Ceylon and French Indo-China, has been stressing the high production rate and benefits to producing areas from the higher prices.
The bureau in a recent advertisement used this appeal: "Rubber is the major economic tie between Asia and the United States in the fight against communism, it strengthens the support of millions of southeast Asians whose standard of living depends upon it. "Malayans have fought for two RUGS MArTY LinKS N-27-50 Connelidared News 'Rag Pet Office EMMY LOU "Emmy Lou? I'm calling to warn you to guard Alvin. Adele's buying some henna pack and a bottle of French perfume!" years against the Communist gangs in the jungles while they produced the rubber needed' by the world. To date this fight has been successful. The Communists in Malaya now have only two hopes outside aid or a depression among the rubber growers." No Immediate Surplus The bureau estimates that in 1951 there will be available for Fuse and stockpiling in this country 900.000 tons of natural and 880,900 tons of synthetic rubber.
This, said the bureau, does not mean. an immediate surplus of rubber. It added: "However, by the end of 1951 another rubber supply surplus could be in prospect." The bureau's attitude toward the United States government's synthetic production program is illustrated by the bureau's statement: "At the moment, the only things which are certain about the synthetic rubber situation in the United States are that production will be very high. and beLore the year is out will entail some very serious study whether the tap can be turned off as easily as it is being turned on." The rising production of natural and synthetic rubber meanwhile puts the pressure on prices. Sicily Villages Still Threatened CANTANIA, Sicily, Nov.
27. (P) Hot lava flowing from the fractured side of Mount Etna still threatened half a dozen hamlets on the northeastern slopes of Europe's highest volcano today. Since Saturday night, however. when the 10.741-foot-high volcano ripped into action, the hot, flow had slowed to a speed of about 100 feet an hour. Its most advanced stream had narrowed to a width of about 500 feet.
1.500 inhabitants. of Fornazza. the village closest to the smoking, creeping flow, camped out during the night -ready with their household goods for a quick getaway. A volcano expert from the University of Cantania said it was too early to make any forecasts on the eruption. 'Lost Plane' Fails to Land in Storm HUNTINGTON, W.
Nov. 27. -The civil air patrol got a real workout under emergency conditions over the week end as it prepared for a "lost plane" which, according to more than 100 telephone calls, was circling the city in search of a field. In the midst of a raging bliz-9TH zard. late Saturday night, special lights were set up at the nearby airport across the Ohio River in Chesapeake, Ohio.
The police and fire departments were! alerted. But no plane landed or tried to land. Officials of the civil aeronautics administration theorized that atmospheric conditions had played tricks on residents, making a plane flying at- 8,000 to 9,000 feet sound A.8 though it were right oyerhead. MONROVIA MEETING MONROVIA. Nov.
The Noffsinger Helping Hand Club will meet tomorrow with Mrs. J. M. Bennett. Copt.
1950, King Fratores Syndicate, World rights. reserved MISTER BREGER "Ah-don't you just love a brisk, crackling fire?" TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY COW JERSEY) -4 year old. End 67 Excello Drive. 4-8296. COON DOG--Purebred very good.
Call 4-5694. CLERK TYPIST- -Female. 40 hours week. Advancement. Employment Service, 819 Francis; 2-1596.
ANNOUNCEMENTS 1-Deaths WALTER D. WILLITS on Saturday, funeral Tuesday November. 28, a. m. Stamey Funeral Home, 2335 St.
Joseph Ave. Rev. Miles Stotts officiating. Interment Mount Auburn Cemetery, 4-Funeral Directors MEIERHOFFER FLEEMAN FUNERAL HOME, INC. GOOD SERVICE 1946 Colhoun Phone 3-3366 H.
O. Sidentaden Son Funeral- Home. 1802 Union St. 2-4428 Frank Bowman J. Barold Bowman 10th and Sylvanie Phone 2-3355 Heaton-Bowman Better Funeral Service That Costa No More (Eatabliahed 1842) CORSAGES, funeral sprays, cut flowera, artistically arranged planta.
Rav open evenings. 2-2646 ALL KINDS Of wreaths, evergreens dra S. 3rd. 8-0228. grave blanketio ruscus, Hen1-Lost and Found WATCH--Man's white gold, ruby dial.
Keepsake, lost vicinity Robidoux tel. Liberal reward. Call room 310. Jerome Hotel or 2-3958. WRIST WATCH (Ladies)lost between Central High and downtown Saturday.
4-0676. Reward BOX OF CLOTHES And suitcase. lost on Frederick ave next hospital Sun: day 1 ward HOUND (RED FEMALE) Lost In cinity of Saxton. 4-8070. 8-Lodges and Societies ZEREDATHA LODGE No 189 A.
F. and A. M. called communication Tuesday, Nov. 28.
at 5 m. Stated at 7 30 Refreshments. Lloyd Seaman, W. M. W.
Taylor. Sec 3. 9-Dining, Dancing COLLEN BROWN FRIED CHICKEN4 pieces: French fries, salad, bot biscuits. tea, coffee, $1. Reserve our rathskellar for private parties.
Closed Night Hawk, Iliway 59. 2-0588. GORDON'S JEROME CAFE and Cock tail Lounge. 420.422 and 424 Francis St. Joseph's Finest.
MEXICAN FOODS- -R-Q ribs and burgers. fried chicken Cloged Tuesdays. El Rancho. Memorial Highway -Personal Interest COLD WAVES Complete With Haircut $7.50 Tues and Wed only GOLDEN GLOW BEAUTY SHOP 109 Frederick Ave Ph 2-6784 'MAC IS BACK- -Watch repairing. Orpheum Theater Bldg.
Formerly 314 Felix. Expert 1 day service. 4-7649 CLOTHES, shoes, furniture, magazines desperately needed Gifts appreci ated. Salvation Army 4-1683. BRAY'S BIRTHDAY CLUB It you are 23, 33, 43 or 63 this month you are eligible to joint.
Receive a fine portrait as you look. Compliments Bray Studio. PHOTOGRAPH -Taken in your home, family groups, individuals. of satisfied customers. Call O' Konski, 2-5366.
KODAK FINISHING- -Midland Photo is in at at 5. amateur supplies. 2407 Mossanie. 2-6272 LEONARD'S CAMERA SHOP 122 8. 8th St COMPLETE BEAUTY COURSE OfIrred for less than hour work each day St.
Joseph Beauty University 4-5729 COLD WAVES complete $6 50 up every day. Contouri facial, Blue Town Beauty. S. 10th. 2-0442 BEAUTIFUL hand colored portrait only 98c with this ad.
Norman Studio. 211 Logan Bldg. 2-6796. MASSAGE--Steam baths: relieves muscular soreness. colds, nerves, arthritis.
etc. Graduate masseuse. 2-0884 SPECIAL RATES- On most magazines when you order 2 or subscriptions for Christmas gifts. Call R. R.
McDonald. phone 2-7898. of distinction Complete line, reasonable. Anderson NuBone Corset Shop, 112 $. 4-5770.
YOU'LL KNOW the correct time it your watch 19 repaired. regulated by Mueller. Enterprise, 501 Felix. COCA-COLA Still Same super flavor, comparable to none other. Buy A carton from your dealer today.
Interest OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS until Christmas. Rolland Studio, 404 American Nat'l Bank 2-0184. AUTOMOTIVE 4-Auto Loans AUTO LOANS- Friendly. quick, confidential consideration 06 your cal loan. Park Bank.
10th; Penn streets. FINANCE your car with us and save. Friendly consultation. Mechanics Bank, 5th and Felix. 2-7769.
WE WILL FINANCE individual buy. ing car from private party. St. Joseph Finance Loan 408 S. 7th 15-Autos tor Sate BUICK 1949 Buick Super 2-dogr sedanette.
radio, heater, new U. S. Royal Master tires, Dynaflow, motor reconditioned. 1949 Oldsmobile 2-door sedan, radie, heater, hydramatic drive, extra nice. 1949 Chevrolet deluxe.
2-door sedan, heater, exceptionally clean. (1948 Buick Super 4-door radio. sun visor, seat covers, low mileage. one owner: 1948 Oldsmobile 4-door sedan. dio.
heater. white side wall tires. exceptionally clean. 1948 Dodge 2-door sedan. heater, good rubber, exceptionally clean.
1948 Studebaker Champion Regal Deluxe 4-door acdan, radio, overdrive. 1948 Chevrolets Fleetline 4-door sedan. radio, heater. sun visor, fog lights, backup lights, seat covers. new Air -Ride tires.
1947 Buick Super 4-door sedan. radio. heater, light gray finish. one owner. Pontiac 2-door.
radio, brater. good rubber. A black beauty. 1947 Kaiser 4-door sedan. radio, heater.
good rubber, a real buy. 11947 Chevrolet 2-door radio, heater. spotlight. seat caters. beautiful blue finish.
1950 International 1 ton pickup. low mileage. like new New Red Arrow Douse trail r. chrap DILL-WOOD. YOUR BUICK DEALER 1701 Frederick Phone 2-4774 CADILLAC.
1947--: 4-door sedan reconditioned, heater, radio. WillisLucas Cadillac, 801 S. 8th. 2-5900. CADILLAC.
1947-Model 62. four -door sedan. excellent condition. black: hy dramatic. radio, heater, sun visor.
near new whitewall tires Must be seen 10 he appreciated. Private owner. Price $1.695. Call room 744. Co Robidoux Hotel.
CHEVROLET, 1941-Club coupe. radio, 9 heaters. anti-freeze. very. very clean.
$495, 15th. Mitchell CHEVROLET- 1947 Flethne Aeros dan. exceptionally nice radio. heatPT. other extras.
See to appreciate 812 S. 10th CHEVROLETS-1941 and 1935. Buick. 1940 and Stud baker, 1999. 11 trade 12th CHEVROLET 1911 Like new.
mates, 5 now tires. heater Write 71. CHEVROLET 1911 Master coupe motor and original black finish. 2601 5t Joseph ave DODGE 1935 runs, and drives perfect. $295.
Avenue Motors, 1612 Frederick 4-1334 DODGE. 1940-- A-1 condition, new Seat covers. radio. heater. 3247.
DODGE 1946 2-door w-dan. n. fully equipped, wintered. A-1 condition. Sampson Motors.
1824 Frederick. 414 S. 8th. DODGE- -1950 Way falvr with final drive fully equipped. Dial 2.2502 FORD Model A.
first $65 takes 1X15 Dew. FORD fordor A nice wint. 1 good motor, and bods S1 RT. Alley Sinters, 1730 St. Joseph ALIT 2-6792.
FORD. 1937- Coach. good finish. covers. new rings.
good rubber winterized. See Harold Dunham, 917 9th. 4-3224. FORDS-1939. 3250: 1938.
8195: 3- 19358. $135. Plymouths- -1937. 1938. 1939.
$125. Hager, 1420 S. 9th. 3-0752. FORD.
1941- Fordor sedan. good condition Call 4-0915. FORD- 1950 Tudor radio, heater, drive Blue Town Motor 1005 With st FORD 1935 tudor sedan. a real al $95. also 1933.
Ply coupe. a better buy at $45 $12 10th FORD -1941 Super De Luxe clean maide and out: onxinal black A-1 motor. heater, $379. 2601 St. Joseph ave FORD Fordor Runs Must sell for $200 So.
Mr. Zipp 2209 Cnion, apartment 301. Or call 2-1121 WANT ADS SOLVE new problems every day. 1St. Joseph, News-Press 15 Monday, Nov.
27, 1950 15-Autos for Sale FORD, 1946-Good condition: radio, heater. Call after. 5 p. 2-9649. HUDSON.
1942-(6) 2-door. Plenty good. $295. D. S.
Motors, 1501 St. Joseph Ave. 4-5057. KAISER: 1947-Sedan, 1 owner. 31.000 miles." $795.
Griffith Used Cars. 702 8th 2-5003 MERCURY, 1950- Trade on cheaper car. 905 Woodson after 5 p. m. week days.
NASH. 1937-Good tight body. good tires. Phone 2-2234. OLDSMOBILE 1936 coupe: radio, heater.
new rubber. runs good. $100; Byers Motors. 618.8. 8th.
4-1095. OLDSMOBILE-1939 4-door sedan: A-1 condition: radio. heater. 4-9415. PLYMOUTH '49 SPECIAL DE LUXE CLUB COUPE Radio, Heater and Extras CONSOLIDATED MOTORS KAISER-FRAZER USED CARS 1301 Frederick Phone 2-0998 1936- New motor, good rubber, low mileage: radio, heater, $160.
3-0493 after 5 p. m. PLY MOUTH 1910 De Luxe coach with 1947 Dodge motor: beautiful blue finish: clean inside, $385. 2601 St. Joseph Are CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING OFFICE HOURS Weekdays 8 A.M.
to 5 P.M. Saturdays 8 A. M. to 6 P.M. Sundays 5 P.M.
to 6 P. M. WANT AD RATES Se: Solid Ads Kegutar Style Count each Individual word abbreviation. initial or combination of numerals as one word. Each word in a hyphenated group counts as one word.
Also count the name and address as part of the For ads count '5 words for key. Cash Rates fer All Classifications EXCEPT Those Listed Below) Words 1 day 8 days 6 days 7th day 10 .65 1.25 2.75 FREE 11-15 .65 1.55 3.35 FREE 16-20 .85 2 05 4.30 FREE 21-25 05 2 55 1 5.25 FREE 36-30 1 1.25 3.05 6.20 FREE 31-35 1 45 3.55 7.15 FREE For each extra words tor traction thereof) add 20c for one day, 50c for days, 95c for 7 days. For charge ads add 10c to cost of 1-day ads. Add 25c to other rates Charge Rates for Deaths. 01 Thanks." "'In Memoriam and "Lodge Notices" 15 Korda, 150 cor each additional 5 words tor fraction thereof) add 25c.
Cash Rates for "Situations Wanted" 10 words. 30c. For each additional 5 words tor fraction therent) add 15c TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY THESE ADS are only partial list. For. complete selection refer to the ads under proper classification.
SHOTGUN 16-gauge hester new. Hip bouts. Coal hrater all 3613 CURTAINS LAUNDERED And stretched 111 ras' Call 4-9129 STUDIO COUCH blue tapestry $25 Call BLONDE LEDADOM condition. $100. 1527 8 12th SHOAls 26 hrad, 50 pounds each Walkuy, Clarksdalr, Mo.
P'hone 89-W "CLOSE IN Excellent ping too! reliable home gentleman preferred. 2-5378. SEWING MACHINE Drophrad. $20 Phone 4-5159 OF DRAWERS- Walnut practually new. Gas heater.
2-rom Miscellaneous items 1408 Syivanie. OVERCOAT -Size 40. Shorg 81ZP 11. Lady's coat and dresses size 16 and 18. 2101 Eugene Field ave PAPER HANGING -Patch plastering.
kemtoning Call D. Eighmi 2-9865. HEATER -Winkler now condi110n complete. $47.50. Set of andIr018 and screen.
$10. Metal 3-0473. COCKER PUPPIES -Black 3 months bid. Sired by Spook of Roanoke. 2-4834.
2-4082 TRAILETTE, 1949--22 electric refrig-rator, Sell or rent, 2-0881, CAR HEATER practically. new. Also small natural gas room heater. very good. 4 8173.
CHURCH. 1005-Vacancy for elderly lady, Reasonable rate. Phone 2-1176. CROSLEY SHELVADORE vears old. Good condition.
4-8763. TWO ROOMS- Utilities paid Close in. Child accepted. Reasonable. 3-0891 BATH TUB- -Corner type: water heater.
new. Bargain price. Phone 2-2961 after 3 p. 10. -Lower 3-room apartment, $11.50 weekly.
Utilities paid. 2-8564. 412-- -Nicely furnished apartments, one room. share bath: 2 rooms, private bath: also large sleeping room 3-0143. ATTRACTIVE 3-room furnished.
prirate bath. 2 adults. Phone 4-8107. UNFURNISHED -3 rooms. bath, garage.
1st floor. Good location. 2 adults $65. Phone 4-8107. 15-ROOM -Partly modern, partly furnished house for rent.
Large yard. by acre garden. 4-8321. DODGE, 1950-Pickup Excellent condition. 1601 Frederick, phone 2-7822.
FOR LEASE- Apartment, 3 rooms furnished. private bath and entrance. No children or pets. 4-7186. RADIO- Portable.
Priced to sell. Call 4-9930. WALNUT WOOD--Stove and furnace. $2.50 and delivered. 8-2987.
HEATER- 45,000 B.T.U with blower. Used two months. 55 gallon of oil. $75. 416 Lee St.
8-0774. SALESMAN- Wanted for steady full time job with growing company. Must be neat in appearance and own car. See Mr. Petty from 8 to 3.
Union, Automobile Club, 201 KFEQ Bidg. 9TH. 301-Kitchenette apartment. Car parking space. 9TH.
301-Large front room with board. FURNISHED 5 room apartment. $78.30. Good location. No children or pets.
Call 4-6683 for particulars. WASHER (BENDIX)-Practically new. $75. Call 2-5191. POOL TABLE -Wanted, regular size.
Call 4-3279. WELDING WANTED Anytime. any place. Reasonrates, 3-1135. THREE ROOM- Unfurnished apartGarage.
Private bath and entrance. 4-9403. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. A SALESMAN Young man age 21-28 preferred positton Excellent future for right man -College education helpful but not required Experience not necessary program on job Only men who are looking for a future and willing to work hard need apply! Apply to R. E.
BLACK Classified Mgr. St. Joseph News- and Gazette Between 9 and 5 daily PLYMOUTH '38 Tudor. new motor. good rubber and finish $325 CONSOLIDATED MOTORS KAISER -FRAZER USED CARS 1301 Frederick 2-0996 PONTIAC 1941- -6-cylinder club coupe, beautiful black finish.
motor perfect. 813 10th FONT AC 1937 2-deer. $125. Inquire Seneca after 5 p. 111.
PONTIAC 1947 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN STREAMLINER (Sr. One You must see this car to appreciate it. A real value. at MILLER-DAY PONTIAC CO. 1302 Faron Phone 2-5436 SEVERAL CARS $50 to $125 Buy.
trade, terms Jenkins Welding, 3021 8 19th 4-7261 Open evenings CROUSE BROS MOTORS. your Vidamobile dealer new and used Phone 19 Mound City Mo CAIS Any kind or price sell open nights credit biggest tot. Glenn Brummitt 9th Garfield: 2-7204 MARTIN MOTORS huY8 the brat. for leas 417 S. 4th Phone 3 1323 Coorsa Martin owner TODAY'S SPECIAL 1945 Pontiac 1-foor hydramatio, tut: tee finish COTeLs radio low mil age $1 145 20th Century Motors to 16th on Frederick We Buy 'Em We Sell 'En Never Undersold or Outbid By Chester Gould IS IT ALL NO-WAIT! OVER, DOCTOR? THE CHILDREN LOVE YOUR MUSIC, SPARKLE.
Make amends 5. Sly: slang Turkey: abbr. 7. Surprises 8. Monetary unit of Siam 9.
Salutation 10. Series: abbr. 22 Bitter vetch 16. Swelling 17. Strips toff 20, The cream 21.
Ventilated 22. Adorns Flat 24. 33 26. Broke camp 29. City in chusetts 13.
Soft drink Confronts Departed 38. Fog 39. Employ 40. Inclination of the head 41. Projecting tooth on wheel 42.
One of the Indo-Chinese Turgish governor of Algiers 0-21 '50 Chevrolet Stylehne deluxe door. radio, heater. like new. 18 Plymouth special deluxe sedan $945 '46 Chevrolet 5.5 46 Chevrolet club 16 sedan 16 rolet Th mouth deluxe dan 40 Chrysler sedan Chert jet 2-door 305. 30 Runk sedan.
clean 415 37 International panel 19 33 Pts mouth coupe 19 We Finance Our Own ARNOLD AUTO CO. 408 S. 7th 4-1619 Christmas Gift Guide EN Buy Now on the Lay-Away Plan Every Day the Christmas Shopping Guide Ofters You Suggestions to Solve Your Christmas Buying. This Method Saves You Time The Values Save You Money. Check These Selected Gifts Featured by Many of the Finest Stores in' St.
Joseph. The Withers Feline animal Thrice: prefix Units Classify English lettes Young man Four times ten Precious stone Title Uninvolved Shortly Facility Suffix denou ing hydrocarbons Rim Small round marks Pigpen 1. 32 33 31 38 AP Newsfeatures Gifts for Her D- food time. money and electricity; end your defrosting worries forever at only $12.95. Fully guaranteed for 2 years.
For free demonstration call 8-0348 or 8-3181. FOR MOTHER, DAUGHTER or sweetheart -Gift of a dress. coat of suit from The Vogue, 724 Felix, JEWELRY- Left in pawn, hundreds of watches. diamond rings, other jewelry of value. Save from ward.
Harry Heiten. Missouri Loan, 420 Edmond. A GIFT THAT IS MOST Acceptable. a beautiful fur scarf Kuehn's, 716 Francis, Large assortment. FOR THE CHRISTMAS- She'll never forget.
Give her a Lane Cedar Hope Chest. So lasting, so sweet with sentiment at $39.95. A large assortment to choose from. Buy at Reliable, 214 S. 6th.
and save. FOR THAT-Sparkling loveliness give Rhinestone Jewelry. Earrings from $1. Bracelets and necklaces from $2. Einbender'8.
701 S. 8th St. Gifts for Him GIVE HIM LASTING- -Enjoyment with 8 polaroid camera from snap to GIVE GIFTS OF LEATHER-Dresner luggage. Enger-Kress billfolds, Doppkit brief cases and dressing cases. A.
J. August Clothing Co. FOR ALL TYPES Of camera and photographte supplies shop Cook's Camera I. Shop. Use our lay-away plan.
110 S. 8th. FOR UNUSUAL GIFTS Read the print in 60 seconds, $89.75. Leonard's Camera, 122 S. 8th.
Phone 2-4346. Gifts for Children PORTABLE RADIOS- Operate on battery or house current. $32.95 up. Choice of colors. An ideal gift.
Eshelman's, 117 South 6th. TOYLAND NOW OPEN--Gifts for children of all ages. Priced right. Tea sets from 98c. Hatfield Hardware, 2028 Frederick.
2-8106. BICYCLES- Schwinn built junior, full size. Tricycles, motorbikes. We service what we sell. Magner's HarleyDavidson Sales.
1819 Fred' k. 4-4806. SMALL DEPOSIT WATT Schwinn 'boy's or girl's bicycle until Christmas at reduced prices. Spetor's Sporting Goods, 716 Edmond. TOYLAND NOW OPEN Come to 8TH and CHARLES complete toy selections MONTGOMERY WARD co.
8th and Charles Gifts for Everyone Gifts for Everyone EASY MOCS- Loafer socks, for Service, comfort and sure warthth. All colors, all sizes. Only $1:98. Werner's, 110 S. 8th.
JUST ARRIVED- -New attractive and novel pottery, brass and copper ware Make selections now. Hendra Floral. 5940 S. 3rd. 8-0228.
Gifts for Home BALDWI spinet piano. Choose your piano Ag the artists do, Lowest terms. Riser's. 1005 Frederick Ave. BUY A NEW living room suite for your.
home this Christmas. You will find finest selections at Liebling'8, 6th Charles. YOUR WHITE CHRISTMAS will be more than a dream with a beautiful white refrigerator. range, washer. home freezer.
dryer or troner by Philco, Norge, Bendix and Magic Chef, Van'9, 8th and Messanie, 3-0231, ANDIRON SETS--Screens, grates, baskets: individual pieces or complete seta: lowest prices Windsor Marble Tile 1809 Frederick. 4-5523. FOR HER- This Christmas: a famous bottled gas range or bottled gas refrigerator from The 9kelgas Service, 315 Felix St. HALLICRAFTER TELEVISION WIT the dynamic tuner which amazes even the experts Sold exclusively at Williams Appliance, 119 S. 8th.
GIFTS From Alberts For Everyone to Enjoy Every Day of the Year Television Admiral, R.A C. DuMont. Capehart From $169 up Refrigerators Kelvinator, Admiral Dual Temp From $189 up Ranges Tappan, Chambers. From $160 up Washers Speed Queen. Whirlpool.
Norge, Easy Spindriers From $89.50 up And hundreds of small appliances Use our lay -away plan ALBERTS 9th Felix TWO TO ONE You can find the answer to your gift problem in the Christmas Shopping Guide. Gifts for Home MOTOROLA TELEVISION- Priced as as $239.95 for 16-inch table model. $3.00 holds. B. F.
Goodrich, 5th and Felix. RECORD STORAGE HASSOCKS- Ta attractive ted, wory, gold. green plastic material. special value $12.95. Tit a Record.
601 Francis. Open evenIngS, A GIFT. EVERY HOME Should Have A ROPER GAS RANGE 61 SERVEL REFRIGERATOR BANKER'S Write Inza. P. O.
Box 24 St. Joseph, Mo. Dial 8-1964 2. Lattn 30. the 31.
32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
37. 38. 39. 44. 45.
46. 41. 48. 49. For the Lady of Your Dreams BUY THAT CROSLEY DREAM KITCHEN Be Sure of a White Christmas NICKERSON'S MAYTAG CO.
1800 Frederick Avenue CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMASI GAS RANGES ROPER. KALAMAZOO, PARAMOUNT APPLIANCES GALORE Ranges. Refrigerators. Washers, Heaters, and Many Small Appliances COOKGAS PLUMBING and HEATING 1201 Frederick Phone 2-2591 We Give Up! That's right WE'LL GIVE $25 AND UP trade allowance for your old range or refrigerator on a new one selected from our complete stock of new Roper, Magic Chef. Estate gas ranges, Serve gar refrigerators of any to meet your needs.
ALSO ZENITH TV Why not use our easy credit or layaway plan for Christmas delivery and Free Installation on All Gas Ranges Gas Refrigerators THINK THIS OVER BRANSON'S Open evenings Xmas 817 Frederick Ave. Phone 2-9152 6215 King Hill Ave. Phone 8-2398.