The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

IK Effl'f -313 Mm ManaaementField Coun DRIVER Service-on call. CHOW CHOW DOGS Red ADMINISTRATIVE ASS if the contract exceed PRESS Operator wexp in A B. Dick 360 wcolorhead TBI Sal bonus. 866-2708. CABINET MAKER Exp laminator needed for busy producttoncuBtom shop 2-3 yrs exp Lee 664-0500 Hi fl II Iflfi Willi.

i-n Sj Ui a -t 1 cr a Wish your friends, family, co-workers, CHILDREN, SIGNIFICANT OTHER, AND CUSTOMERS ST 16r It 9 5 4-HEALTHY Cen iinti mi Include my Holiday Greeting in The Baltimore Sun Enclosed it i check for made payable Mai to the Baltimore Sun, Hridey Greetings. 801 HG7700, BeKmore, MO 21276 Name Addres City Home phone Mamie: $1.11 far aaareiuMtahj 25 nri Mtuft IS liate, ravffch; inrii par hnl. U4 $1.12 par Nte tar aack aMititaal Km. frittitfi aaiiHar laceaaer at 11 m. selors KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER CO 410-298-2280 MANAGER TRAINEE Nn nxn naasserv Will train Company expanding.

$13hr sai ZMt-juuo MARKETINGSALES See ad under Retirement Community JFB or SCAFFOLD BUILDERS Experienced Heated work, 7 days week overtime. Dir 295 to 198 left on Red Clay Rd, Target job cite, see Paul MECHANIC maintenance and reoair of small oickuus to large dump trucks HO to 60 vehicles) and some excavation equipment Must have own tools ana some testing equipment desired. Shop in Woodbine, MD Cell between 8 30 AM 6 00 PM. Ask for Karen. 410-796-8877.

Modern Foundations Inc MECHANIC-Continental equipment company looking for qualified Mechanic to prepare heavy construction equipment for resale. Applicant must be able to work independently on repairs and painting Calf 410 247-3036 MECHANIC Gen'l auto, truck equipment repair. Mm 6 yrs exp Refs req'd. Must have tools transp ASE certified pref'd CDL a plus. Full or PT position avail Call betw 8-4, M-F, 410-355-4316 ask for Dawn MECHANIC HELPER Must have desire to learn Insurance benefits available Paid vacation holidays.

Special Fleet Services. 687-6530 EOE MECHANIC- Large Construction Company, light duty maintenance, smell tool repair. Electrical experience req'd; no mechanic truck needed. Box M8637 SUN MEDICAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Please look for additional Med ical employment opportunities our new employment classification, 'Allied Health' class yi MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY: PT, medical office, Towson. Must be mature wown transp.

have a S. diploma or GED a mm of 2 yrs. exp, mm 60 WPM typing Free parking Hrly wage neg. FAX resume ft refs to 715-1988. Kathy MEDICAL RECORDS FILE CLERK PT wTowson Hospital, 3 30 pm 1 30 am.

Sat Sun. holidays Call 768-6669 MEDICAL Atit for internist in Parkville Send resume to Msrcia Aquino. 813 Harford Rd, Balto MD 21234 MEDICAL SECR. for Ophthalmology offce afternoons Patient care ft computer exp nec. exc benefits 342-4900 MORTGAGE BANKING TITLE CO SETTLEMENT OFFICER Dntn title co looking for exp'd settlement officer to conduct closmos market ing.

Candidates should have purchase refinance closing exp ft be able to work tn a fast paced environment. Title insurance license req aft Jan 1 WP ft settlement software knowedoe helot ul Salary based on exp. Fax resume ft refs to (4 1 0) 837-6267 Attn Mr Chola MORTGAGE BANKING TITLE CO SETTLEMENT PROCESSOR Dntn title co. needs exo'd settlement pro cessor Candidates should be familiar with title binder a settlement document preparation Knowledge of WP ft settlement software helpful Salary based on exp Fax resume to (410) 837-6257 Attn Mr Chola MORTGAGE PROCESSOR Captiol Mortgage Bankers is looking for processor with FHAVA experience for their Lutherville office Please call Lee Woody 410-583-0101 or tax resume to 410-583-0265 OFFICE CLERICAL Some computer exp Able to do invoicing gen'l office duties. Typing nec.

Some bookkeeping exp needed Call Jerry Hock at 282-34M betw am 3 3U rivi OPERATOR LoaderHoeDozer Must be experienced PRCBurtonsviUe. 410-792-2999 PARALEGAL Annapolis Firm will provide a pleasant work atmosphere for candidate with strong typing skills. Knowledge of Excel and Word a plus FAX resume to 410-266 5561 PARTS WAREHOUSE PERSON Experience with fleet heavy equipment, inventory control and computer experience required Issues and maintains material levels support of fleet operations Laurel toca-tin, Tony Fabian. Tel 301-497-3224, Fax 301-513-0126 PLUMBERS Service Technicians with residential small commercial plumbing, heat ft boiler experience for installations ft service Journey license preferred, but not required Must have tools be willing to work overtime ft emergency calls AC knowledge a real plus Join a company committed to growth Our best people have work even in bad times. EOE Full company benefits available.

Apply 3 00 600 PM Catons Plumbing, 1 02 BJoomsbury Ave, Beltway Exit 13 Ca-tonsville. West to first light, then left. IMMEDIATE PLUMBERS Commercial mechanical contractors seekmg FT position for experienced plumbers, benefits package Call Napoit-Cover, Inc 410-529-0400 PLUMBERS JOURNEYMAN Transportation hand tools Drivers License. Good benefits Call Mon-Fri, btw 10am-2pm. 686-2900 PLUMBERS APPRENTICE HELPERS Driver license company benefits.

Call Mon-Fri, btw 10sm-2pm. 686-290C) PLUMBERS Expd on new comm i tor Annapolis ei Laurel jobs. Call Gary Bur-roughs 301-384-0161 PLUMBERS Exp'd plumbers needed Must be able to run copper in Balto City Rehabs 945-0149 PLUMBERS Journeyman St Helper needed Pay, benefits pension plan 750-2919 PLUMBER Lie. 6 yr exp. Pd vachol sal.

neg Lmthi-cum Plumbing. 766 5350 PRESSER with knowledge of leather suede lettnisn-ing. Call 727-7389 PRODUCTION 1 CLERICAL IMMFDIATE Full-time Dosition avail tn a net 'I bank Columbia Must work Moo-Sat 8 30-4 30pm have impeccable work ethic, and be fast-paced tor this production environment. Call (410) 740-8009 or (301) b9b-4b 1 3 SPARKS PERSONNEL PROGRAM MANAGER Wanted manaoer with experi ence in out eourctng and production tor telecommunication company in Columbia. MD.

Must have 5yrs or more bxd Drooram manaaement and be able to take charge of start-up scenario. Send resume to iuu mumDia Gateway Drive. Suite 1 90, Columbia, MD 21046. Project Manager 6 years data entry mgmt scheduling exp must. Type 60 worn, proofing, desktop pub Ventura and PgMkr Lotus ft DBase a Degree preferred Applicant background check conducted Work at DOD training facility Aberdeen Good sat ft ben Call Sterling or Angela 301-428 9476 or fax resume 301-428-9880 PROPERTY MANAGER AS SISTANT for industrial properties in Harford county Knowledgeable accounting, construction maintenance Salary $27,000 Fax resume to: 202 638-5329 Real Estate SECTION 8 MANAGER For community in Annapolis Exp req d.

Micro HentHUU computer exp. piusl Send resume to 7929 Brookriver. Ste 180 Dallas. TX 75247. EOE RECEPTIONISTBACK UP btL canoiaa ie mus i possess excellent phone skills, Kasant personality ft have )wledge of Word ft Excel for Windows Must also be familiar basic office machines.

CaU Law Ron Mardon Label. 282-4600 ext 709 morneveBwknds. Reliable ontyl Gallas Auto 2D4-SUO DRIVERS SEE OUR ADS SUNDAY Yellow Cab Co. 628-1486 Driver TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVER CDL Drivers for LOCAL work Flat bed exD helnful. $11 60hr.

Full service lease equipment and family benefits Call 800-345-6190 M-F, betw 9-3 Vanguard Services DRIVER Tractor Trailer for owner-operator. Call 410-682-3171 DRIVER wCDL and warehouse experience. Must be able to unload trailer Standard Coffee Services Call betw 12 PM ft 3 PM for appt 687-0881. DRIVER wgood driving rec. Must know Balto metro area Reas pay 254-24 73.

DRIVER 2 yrs exp. wCDL license Local driving Contact Darryl, 410-247-1788 ELECTRICIAN Exp. in old house wiring. Must be familiar with Balto City. Start todayl 367-4000 ENGINEERINSPECTOR Minimum 4 yrs experience in construction engineering consulting services with a S.

degree in Civil Engineering Must have Engmeer-in-traming certificate (EIT) and be proficient in the use of civil engineering computer applications, using CPM scheduling, P3 and Finest Hour with ADM and PDM networks; detailed crew analysis cost estimating; job cost accounting systems, and field management of construction forces Full-time, permanent position and attractive benefits with progressive team. McDonough, Bolyard, Peck, Inc Fairfax, VA FAX 703-641-8965 ENGINEERING Medical equipment company is seeking a Protect Manager, perform design, control multi construction projects. Must have tech aptitude, familiar wAUTOCAD, BS in BCN, CE or EE Fax resume to G. Seiber 410-872-4427 ENGINEERING JOB Hotline: 800 638-816 AlhedSignal Inc. EOE ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST Maryland Depart ment of the Environment.

Lead program BS degree 20 credits 4 yrs. experience in environmental health Contractual position. Limited benefits EOE. Call Mary Finch, 41Q-631-3825 FIELD SERVICE Technician-Basic electrical mechanical skills required Training and tools provided Great benefit package Send resume to: Personnel Manager, 0 Box 2022, Ellicott City, MD 21041 FISH CUTTER WANTED Experienced only apply Call 799-5822 bet 10 ft 12 only FITNESS AEROBIC DIRECTOR Call Nancy Hafford Mon-Fri. 9AM-5PM.

821-0160 FOOD SERVICE COOK FT at least 3 yrs exp Retirement community Fine dining. Lutherville. MD Call bet. 12 6 PM 339-3226 GRAPHIC DESIGNER The Baltimore International Culinary College, a private college near the Inner Harbor, seeks a graphic designer to join its Communications staff. Responsibilities include design and production of ell collateral, advertising, brochures, catalogues, signage for the college, its restaurants and hotels, art gallery, and its European campus Must be competent on Macintosh-based desktop publishing and da 6 ion, including Pagemaker, Freehand, Illustrator, Photoshop Web Page design experience a plus Photography and fine erts skills desirable We are seeking an enthusiastic, hardworking, creative team player who is able to prxxi-tize, meet deadlines, and juggle many jobs simultaneously.

Candidates should have a BA visual communications, graphic design, or related field Associate Degree acceptable if sufficient experience in the field. Send resume, cover letter with salary requirements, and 2 design samples to: Director of Communications, 206 Water Street, Baltimore, MD 2 1 202. No phone calls please AAFOE HEATING ft AIR COND SERVICE TECHNICIAN Res'l. Comm'l. Wt Offer: 42 yr history Company with a future Good waget Excellent benefits Company truck Call for interview CATON'S Plmbg, Htg, AC 747-2293 HVAC Heating and AC Service Tech woil exp for residential and light commercial service work.

Company truck, uniforms, and medical benefits Call Monday-Friday, 8AM- INSURANCE-Employment opportunities rrudenti. Health Care Plan 554-7444 INTERNET SPECIALIST In- ternet services company took i no tor Web specialist with a graphics or technical background Part timefull time Of as suo-contractor. Salaries or fees requested Resumes only: 0. Box 11, Brooklandville Md 21022 JANITORIAL Night tima lanitoriai positions vbiious times and locations Must have own car Call 367-1700 LAB TECHS BiologyChem TECH AID. 7000 Security Blvd.

Ste 108 Balto MD 21244 LEGAL SECRETARY IMMEDIATE Medium size Inner Harbor law firm seeks top-notch sec'y for 2 attorneys. Must posses Word Perfect 6 1, corrprnunicatton organizational skills. Also litigation, transactional, computer ft dictaphone exp. Send resume confidence to Box M8622 SUN MACHINE SHOP ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS-Ex-perienced Navy base Patux-ent River. Plans, designs, constructs models or chas-seys and frames Welder combination, model maker, instrumentation mechanical, instrumentation sheet metal, woodcraft worker, tool dye maker Resumes to NA-Tl.

3703 Benning Rd. NE. Washington DC 20019 or rax to u-jyo-oooo MAINTENANCE Service oriented management company seeking service technicians Minimum of 6 yrs. experience in general apartment maintenance, HVAC, appliances, etc. Tools transportation required Excellent benefit package, includes 401k pension plan, health insurance, housing if necessary, paid sick vacation.

Drug free workplace CaH 661-6999. 8AM-4PM for interview MANAGER TRAINEE National Craft Store needs Manager Trainee. No experience necessary. 3-6 month training program. Medical benefits, paid vacation, ESOP.

Company paid relocation a must Tandy Leather Co 410-285-8bbO ask for Bit! MARKETING MANAGER Fast-paced, diverse contracting company seekmg a marketing manager for new products. A business degree is reouired, plus five (51 years hands-on" development experience Travel is required. Excellent compensation package. Please forward resume to: Mr Robert Berg. THE POOLE KENT COMPANY 4530 HoJIms Ferry Rd.

Baltimore. MD 21227 An Equal Opportunity Employer No telephone calls MARKETING ASST. College graduate wanted tor entry level position Resp include desktop publishingtyping to produce multimedia presentations and proposals Computer graphics exp a pliis. EOE Reply to Box M8626 SUN To $3faK Opportunity to join TQM team assisting commercial property owners to manage their building cleaning services. Position reports directly to the owner a requires taice-cnarge individual with exceptional Perfect Office (WP 6 0, OPro), skills oreDarina correspon dence, marketing material comprenensive proposals Public soeakina ability, ex treme organization attention to detail a must.

Experi ence with property, facility, oualitv or cleanma momt a plus. For immediate consid eration, can tiiiott Affhates LTD of Towson, 1 800 716-3739 ADMINISTRATIVE Alnx Brown Sons Call JOB LINE 410-783-5350 AIR CONDITIONING HVAC BOILER MtCHANlCS Immed ooemnas Great bene fits yr-round work Only 1st class Mech wproven exp. apply. Bbtt-620U AIR COND TECHNICIAN Estabt contractor seeking an aggressive AC heat refng. tech.

Mut have 5 yrs exp. at do ceri. oo-uw Air Conditioning Refrigera tion commercial rxncnen MECHANICS needed. Good pay. Company truck.

Immediate position. D0J-DH ALARM SERVICE TECH expanding service dent seeking hard working individuals looking for a future. Experienced a plus, but will tram Excellent benefits Call John Grab at -800-262-3009 AUSTRONIC SECURITY SYSTEMS INC. ASSISTANT MANAGER Needed for busy subsidized apt. complex.

Must have strong office skills. Property mgmt exp pref'd. Send resume to: 230 Witson St BaltO MD IMM tUfc AUTO BODY MECHANIC IMMEDIATE Exp. Must have tools Good pay Call 298-8006 AUTO BODY PERSON must be 1-car cert. Apply fil Auto Body BU-666H AUTO-CLEAN UP PERSON IMMEDIATE New car dealer seeks exp.

person to clean new ft used cars for delivery. Apply to: Michael Stone. Dulanev Lincoln Mercury 667-0100 AUTO COUNTERDeliverv 6 yrs. licensed driver wclean driving record Non-smoking work piece AUTO MECHANIC Etlicott City area MSI required Service station expe rience Abfc preferred, f-or interview, 461-9090 AUTO MECHANIC Foreign car experience and ASE a MUST 944-1404 AUTOMOTIVE CONTROLLER OFFICE MANAGERS INTERNAL AUDITORS Jim Koons Automotive oraani- zation Baltimore Washington Metro aree due to our continue growth a select number of career opportunities are available in the Baltimore area with one of the premier automotive organizations in the country. We otter top pay, 401 plan, health and dental Automotive accounting experience required.

UCS experience a pius cue rax resumes to U3-442-bob No Cells Please AUTOMOTIVE SALES MANAGER Century Ford of Mt. Airy is currently accepting applications for an EXPERIENCED sales manager Applicant must be volume oriented and have strong dosinq end CSI skills Con tact Russ Hawthorne bet 10 AM 3 PM for confidential interview at 410-549-3113 or 301-829-2BOO tOt AUTOMOTIVE Technician line some 7 3 DiseJ exp Immediate opening for a certified transmission technician at one of Baltimore's fastest growing Ford dealerships Excellent money making opportunity with or eat benefits lease can Ron Ames, Archway Ford 764-3600, 5720 Reister- stown Rd AUTOMOTIVE SALES Experience not necessary. We need aaaressive sales people bubstantial income end benefits await the right moiviauai Apply in person. Antwerpen Toyota Village Routes 108 32 Clarksville, MD 988-9111 or 631-6700 AUTOMOTIVE New car get ready persons needed for dealership. York Hd TowsonLuthervtlle area Call Apple Polishing Systems tnc, AUTO PAINTER HELPER Butting exp nec Must be reliabTeown transp Call 342-lb60 AUTO TECHNICIANS SERVICE ADVISORS For Chrysler, Plymouth.

Dodge and Jeep Are you tired of poor working conditions, lack of woric, bad dispatching, or in general tust spinning your wheels at a dealership going nowhere? If so, apply to select business O. Box 574, Arnold. MD 21012 BAKER, WAITRESS CLEANING PERSON Apply in person at 6308 Bel air Rd or can BANKING For Career Opptys At NationsBank Call 1 -800-58 7-JOBS BANKING See our adt In this Sunday paper. CHEVY CHASE FSB BANKING: First National Bank of Maryland Call our JOB LINE 410-347-6J0B BANK TELLERLOAN I. ri.

lu-o nours per week Call C. Lucas, Team Federal 663-1047 BARBERS Lied. New Dnwtn loc. Low rental Info call Anthony 780-9719 BARMAID NEEDED Imme diately. Good tips salary.

Towson 826-4700 IMMEDIATE BEAU1ICIAN reliable, FT. Call 41U-9-bt30 BEAUTICIAN. Licensed stylist manicurist Eastern Ave Booth rentalcomm. Thetma, 463-8620 pgr BRICKLAYERS Laborers needed in Annapolis, Md area lake Rte bU towards Annapolis. Exit 450 W.

Turn right at end of ramp Go to 2nd light turn left on Rte 4b0 Go 18 rrv Job on right. See Greg BUSINESS INVENTORY CONTROL SYSTEM is seeking full time employees for the suburban area $6 85hr, to start. Guaran teed increase after 60-day orientation penoa raia navel- Paid training. Paid vacation. Paid life insurance Day time hours with weekday and weekend work.

Room for advancement, f-or personal interview call 1-800-426-6876 betw. BAM and 3PM BUS OPERATOR WANTED Columbia area for public transp. Must nave lul iic, with passenger air brakes endorsement. Clean driving record Pass DOT physical drug screening test. If interested.

Please call 312-6334 and ask for dispatcher on Outy fctUMh CAB DRIVERS it FREE it I HAININti S1UU bUNUb after 30 day Work PTFT, Davs. Niohts or Weekends For More Tnfomation CALL ROYAL CAB'S 24-HR. NEW DRIVER HOTLINE 347-1441 CAB DRIVERS DRIVE FOR ARROW CAB (with Protective SHIELDS) or NEW PIKESV1LLE CAB 358-7789 CABINET MAKERS FINISHERS SPRAYERS 3-6 yrs experience staining. toning et finishing or custom wood products. Must be self -motivated in quality oriented Excellent salary benefits.

Call or apply in person to: Ilex Woodworking, 1700 Union Balto. MD. 21211 410-243-6796 CABINET MAKER Exp carjmei assemc-ier neeoea for busy productorvustom shop Cat. Lee 664-0500 1 1 lost Rosedale Howard! Joseph 33o-2 UP N0RTHW00D Furn room use of house, utils mcl 43b-2b54, 12 noon-4PM REWARD RING LOST GOLD GUNN FAMILY CREST 377-06b9 Male 18 mos. Lt brown wht under belly, approx 60 lbs Lost 115 Randallstown area Cell 410-922-1669 NEWBORN Cary and Brooke Newborn are fileased to announce he birth of their daughter.

SYDN ALANA, on Thurs Dec. 14, 1995. ACE TICKETS BUSH Red Hots. Alanis. A Jackson.

Dave Mthws. Cheap 760-1076 AIRFARE BARGAINS USCanada. Buy now unres- AIRLINE TICKET For 121996. 1 Way. Balro to Tamos.

Fla. US Air Leaves: 4 06PM $100 cash or BO Call Lin Baumbach (D) 931-6060 or 1EI AIRLINE TICKETS HAWAII 2 round trip, good til 1096 ALANIS LES MISRfcDSKINS Buyfiftll all events Concerts SDortBTheatre STAGEFRONT 410 880-0017 DISNEY WORLD TICKETS WANTED. Unused days at FAIR PHICfc. 90-23b TRAVELING7 Driv cart to all points in US 366-8863 EES? fTTL, JIM Thx 4 Xmat ghtl Thx 4 buying attitudel so good 2 bad with Mostly thx (or last smile! HUbtN AFTER MEETING EACH OTHER. WE QUICKLY FELL HEAD OVER HEELS OUR DAUGHTEH HAS BROUGHT A SPECIAL TWINKLE TO OUR EYES HOW WE LONG TO SHARE OUR WONDER FUL LIFE WITH ANOTHER CHILD CALL KIMBERLY IF YOU'RE CONSIDERING ADOPTION 1-800-687-2340 FATHERS-MEN RIGHTS Attorney- Custody, visitation, child support, alimony, etc.

T. Clarke, Esq. 683-9001 Please Make This A MERRY XMAS For Everyone ADOPTION Our home offers a safe, bright, secure future for your precious white new born Our hearts will provide an abundance of love and total devotion A Father with the ability to truly be an involved Dad A full-time Mom always there for nurturing moral and emotional support. College Grads-Relt-gious Values. CONFIDFNTIAL-CaH Collect DEBBIE Of RICHARD.

305-667-4838 Attorney involved All Medical, Legal. Maternity Clothes. Counseling Living Assistance Expenses Pd. AAA About Town Gorgeous young females 24 HRS AAA-ABOVE BEYOND ESCORTS MUCH MORE CALL 6B-66 AAA AMORE Beautiful, reliable, intelligent eSCOrtS 4 nrS BW-4B4tf ALL GOLDEN) XMAS Spe cial 20 ott A Ram. sleet or snow 78Q-3825 daynight BALTIMORES BESTI HOTTEST PERSONALS 976-DATE 89mm Ladies Free! 484-DATE HOT LIVE TALK 1-900-286-MEET 69mm.

Ladies Freel 602-MEET Must be 18 or older Affordabla Bankruotcv fr $275 Ron Hale Any 783-4263 BANKRUPTCY fr $276. D. Grossman 800-641-9947 DIVORCE S70 (Attv Feel Sep Agree $160 Wills $36 UWI S4UU Autowork inj FREE Telephone Consultation Peter Gargano. Atty 486-1990 Small loader 6V dump truck i cm grauingnaua jjo-oa i BRICK BLOCK CEMENT work, stucco, basm dug out. nc i oa ooj-qoou WILL PAINT any kit for jodu or less, wis inci i coai of paint, ceiling watts any 3 windows.

MHIC 807391. 898-2870 ANXIOUS? FRUSTRATED? Psychic Services wants to help. Call us at 780-7786 VMCDIS ISpec. rates for frequent callers) 18 CHOOSE YOUR MODEL $1b715mms cr cdscks ok SF 415-765-4321 18 24 hrs LA 714-250-7250 I Inc. LV 702-891-9200 Get Out Of Debt WE CAN HELP 800-507-8444 21 HOT TALK- No Charge initial call 410-783-824 Must be 18 or older UNCENSORED Phone Talk 1 -BOO-739-4289 $2 89min No limit 18 Club Calling BROADCASTING.

NEWS, DJ, etc. BIM. 2b4-2U BARTENDING- MD Bar tending Acad 410-H-UU2U ACCOUNTANT: For chari table foundation Sparks. MD; $22 10 per hour, compile analyze financial information to prepare entries to accounts. Detail assets, liabilities, capital; prepare balance sheet, profit loss statements other reports to summarize current projected company financial position Audit contracts, orders, vouchers prepare reports to substantiate individual transactions Establish, coordinate implement accounting control procedures; devise implement manual or computer based system for gen'l accounting; direct coordinate activities ot other workers in accounting bookkeeping tasks Mail two copies of resume and copy of this ad to: Dept.

of Labor, Licensing Regulation, 1100 but aw Room 212, Baltimore, MD 21201, Attn: Job Order No 9485650, Job Location: Sparks. MD ACCOUNTINQ local, ex panding, eccounting firm looking for aggressive, experienced bookkeeper and tax preparer. 2 years tax a must. Starting $24,000 Send resumes and refs to BNA. PO Box 43056.

Bait MD 21236 00 Payment end performance security for con tracts shall either be' 1 A bond executed by surety company autho rized to do business in the State of Maryland, and approved by the City Solicitor; 2 Cash in an amount equiv alent to a bond, or 3. An irrevocable letter of credit Bidders, proposers, and con tractors interested in utilizing the City belt-insurance Pro gram tor payment and per tor mance security for contracts now exceeding $100,000 00 may contact the Department of Finance, the Proaram Ad' ministrator, for eligibility requirements and premium costs The Board of Estimates re serves the right to reject any and all Bids endor to waive technical defects, if in the judgement, the interest of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore may so reauire. Bids, when filed, shall be irrevocable Attention of Bidders is called to the Minimum Wage Rates to be paid on tnis protect. All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be prequalified by the City of Baltimore contractors Qualification Committee, Room 9, Abel Wolman Municipal Build ing, Baltimore, Maryland IM) wnose recommenda tions for an assigned dollar Work Capacity Rating and Work Classification) are ef fective after ratification and confirmation by the Board of Estimates. Contractors will not be permitted to bid for any single Contract having a dollar value in excess of the contractor's assigned Work Capacity Rating and will not be awarded any Contract if the Contract dollar value, when added to the contractor uncompleted backlog et time ot award.

exceeds the contractor as signed Work Capacity Rating Subcontractors intending to perform work in excess of $25,00000 on this Contract must have established qualifi cation tor an adequate Work Capacity Rating and the neces sary Work Classifications) be fore they are permitted to commence work. The Cost Clessification Range for this protect will be from $600,000 00 to $1,000,000 00. A "Pre-Biddino Information session will be conducted in the conference room of the Bureau of Transportation Room 733, L. Benton Building, at 1000 A on December zi, tyyb. Questions or concerns rela tive to the scope ot work.

equipment requirements and scheduling, must be submitted writing to the Protect Manager during the session Answers will be handled through the issuance of ad denda. Principal Items of work for this project are: Bituminous Concrete Paving- Band SC Tons Bituminous Concrete Paving- Band Bl Tons Removal of Bituminous Material 21,670 S.Y. Roadway Structure Adjustment 148 Ea Baltimore City hereby notifies aH Bidders that it will affirma tively insure that in any Con tract entered into pursuant to this advertisement. Minority and Women's Business Enter prises will be afforded full opportunity to submit Bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for en award Under the Baltimore City Minority and Women's Business Enterprises Program a successful bidder must com ply with the goal requirement to subcontract not less than twenty percent (20 of the total Contract to minority Businesses, and not less than three percent (3) of the total Contract to Women Busi nesses in accordance with Ordinance No. 610.

Article I of the Baltimore City Code Section 21 7 et. seq. This contrect contains a sam ple minority bid package (MBEWBE) documents). The accompanying manila bid envelope contains MBEWBE origi nal documents, including Form end BAIP original docu ments which must be complet ed for all contracts. The information the MBEWBE package, including Form s.

are to completed and sub mitted in the whitB envelope one week after you submit your bid proposal Failure to submit your bid proposal ten ure to submit the information in the proper envelope at the time requested will be cause to have your bid rejected. Contractors should be aware that within the City of Balti more, operators of certain types of construction equip ment must be licensed by the Board of Licenses for Con struction Equipment Operators (396-4290), Ordinance 787 of July 1991; Ordinance 303 of February, 1994. Bidders are advised that price proposals are due on the date set forth above. The MBEWBE utilization commit ment forms, including Form are due within seven (7) days of the submission of the Price and Technical proposals. Bidders should pay particular at tention to the instructions contained in the bids as well as the use of the appropriate bid envelope for each submis sion.

APPROVAL OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION CONTRACT NO 96071 APPROVED: SHIRLEY A. WILLIAMS Clerk, Board of Estimates LESLIE WINNER Principal Counsel PAMELA SCHEVITZ Chief, Equal Opportunity Compliance Office FHfcDtRICK MAHC Chief, Transportation Engineering Division DAVE L. MUNIliUMfcHY Head, Bureau of Transportation GEORGE G. BALOG Director of Public Works CITY OF BALTIMORE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION BALTIMORE, MARYLAND NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed Bid or Proposals, in duplicate, addressed to the Board of Estimates, of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and marked Bureau of Transportation Contract No 96023. for Baltimore-Washington Parkway Joint Repairs will be received at the office of the Comptroller.

Room 204. City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until Wednesday, January 17, 1996 at 11:00 AM. Board of Estimates employees will be stationed at the Security Unit Counter just inside the Holliday Street entrance to City Hail from 10-46 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. every Wednesday to receive Bids from Bidders who feel they would not be able to deliver the Bid Envelope to Room 204 by 1 1 00 A.M.

due to a possible delay by the security check and scanner process. The Bids will be processed with a hand scanner, placed in a box and promptly at 1 1 00 AM, the box wiU be sealed and brought to Room 204, City Hall. Comptroller's Office. Positively no bids will be received after 1 1 CO A At twelve o'clock noon on Wednesday next following the Wednesday on which the price proposal was due, the Price Bid package and the MBEWBE documents writ be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215 said City Hall The proposed Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, at the office of the Department of Public Works, Service Center located in Room 7 Abel Wolman Municipal BuHding, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 on and after DECEMBER 16, 1996 and necessary copies thereof may be obtained on payment of $26 00, for each copy, which payment wiM not be refunded A certified check of the bidder or a bank cashier's check or a bank treasurer's check drawn on a solvent clearing house bank, made payable to the Director of Finance pr a bd bond executed on the form as provided REFRIGERATION MECHANIC Valu Food, the largest supermarket chain headquartered in Baltimore City, has an immediate opening for an experienced Refrigeration Mechanic. The successful candidate will possess at least five years experience at a commercial capacity, be EPA licensed in Baltimore and Anne Arundel Counties, willing to work a flexible schedule, and have good references.

We offer a starting salary of 35K plus, excellent benefit package, paid vacations, profit sharing, and opportunity for advancement Join a winning teaml Interested and qualified individuals can submit a resume or apply tn person at: VALU FOOD 4701 01Donnall St. Balto. MD lYJl Atten: Human Resources REFRIGERATION ME- mercial refrigeration. Good company benefits ft truck rii 7Q carvi RESTAURANT. Growing company needs Asst.

Manager for store in Towson Town Center. Apply in person. Gourmet Beef and Turkey Food Court. 410-828-8630 Prior management experience end good references required. RESTAURANT Deli Person full time.

Experienced with party trays. Mon-Fri 6AM-2PM Olf weekends and holidays Drug free. Call 291-4636 RESTAURANT MANAGER For Little Caesar's Puza. Apply at MART, Joppa Rd RETAIL PHOTO Sales Lab Oper. FTPT opening for person wreteil exp in Ellicott City.

Exp. Lab Operator tor lhr photo 465-7788 RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Director for sales and marketing, residency counselor for start-up CCRC near Buckeys-town, MD. Experience in Senior housing and sales reqd Good base and commission pkg Information center in Frederick, MD. Resumes to: Personnel Director, 816 16th Street, Suite 830, Washington, DC 20005 T0P PAY ROOFER Shingle mechanics wanted Mm 6 yrs exp. tools ft transp Flat exp a plus.

Horizons Unlimited, 410-792-2414 or 301-470 3860 Ask for BiH ROOFERS Shingle mechanics, 6 yrs exp Must have drivers lie. Plenty of work. No slackers Call 760-4634 Lv msg Start immediately! ROOFING MECHANICS ft LABORERS Call 626-7683 ROOFING Needed reliable mechanics, laborers ft helpers Good pay 437-1446 ROUTE REPS Low $20's to Btart Drive our vehicles Serve current existing accts. as well as open new ones No nights or weekends Competitive benefits pkg. Promotions from within our National Company Opportunities available in Baltimore area If you have a good driving record, can lift up to 7 bibs, pass physical and drug screen, well groomed, articulate and have at least 1 semester college.

Faxmail resume confidence or apply in person between 3-bPM to Route Rep. 3921 Vero Rd, Suite Balto, MD 21227 Sole EXPERIENCED CEMETERY SALES DIRECTOR We are the third largest cublically held cemetery and funeral home company in the country and we need experienced and talented Ssles Directors in Baltimore and Philadelphia. If you have a proven track record, this could be the last classified id call you will ever make. Call today for an interview for this $100,000 opportunity. Everett Kendrtck Vice President 301-513-0100 SALES ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS A lucrative oppt for motivated salesperson to service established ft new custom builder accounts in Balto Wash area.

Must have vehicle sales experience wmold-ingsbuilding products. Generous compensation, sales leads, design showroom ft marketing toots will be provided to salesperson Send resume to: Manor Style Ltd. 6741 Whitestone Rd, Balto MD. 21207 Attn- Paul SALES ASSISTANT: Young energetic career minded individual to join a small and growing business Towson. For further information call 410-880-2177 SALES AVON 727-121 1 or 1-800-662-2292 SALES CEMETERY Be one of the highest paid in America 525-2828 SalesCemetery pursue the American Dream in Comm.

Sales 668-1244 Sales EXPANSION Standard Energy an international comoanv has now opened an office in Baltimore and is hiring agents for full and part time positions. All laadt arm mv-aualified. Earn while you learn with full training. Managerial positions avail. For a personal interview, please call: (410) 662-9343 Standard Energy: an ap proved supplier with SALES Inside tales customer support National distributor w300 affiliated dealers, home automation, telephone systems, home theater ft other high tech Salary commensurate with ability Growth oppt benefits.

Home Systems Plus, Owtngs Mills. Ask tor Patty. 366-4663 Sales $10,189 la what our top rep earned LAST MONTHI Earn realistic $1000wk comm. from your first wk on Start immed Pd wkly. Whether you need quick cash or a career change? Call Sheri at 410-366-8895.

SALES REP, MEDICAL Rapidly growing medical manufacturer with headquarters in Kansas City has immediate opening for an Area Sales Manager for the Washington region responsible for managing a multi-state territory. Territorial objectives are to maintain the sales volumes and increase the usage of products sold to existing and new accounts withm the hospital market. Qualified candidates wiH have a college degree end sales experience with a proven track record for saiea achievement This position is based DC end covers Baltimore. North Carolina and Virginia This Aree Sales Manager position requires 60 travel. We offer a base salary of $30,000, competitive bonus package, automobile, and full training a growth oriented environment Benefits include 401 plan and heel the are insurance Qualified candidates interested in personal and professional growth should fax a resume, including salary history, to: Colleen Wakoert Sales Administrator Medi-Flex Hospital Products, Inc.

8717 110th Street. Suite 760 Overland Park. KS 66210 913-461-8609 tax CABINET MAKERS MILL Men, some installation required Benefits offered. Call 6bb-b048 CARPENTER FT position available for person experienced in framing, drywall, acoustical ceilings, tile work, etc. Supervisory capabilities a plus.

Good benefits package including paid healthdental insurance and 401 (k) plan Apply in person at Consolidated Pharmaceutical Group Inc 61 10 Robin-wood Rd. Balto. MD 21225 or call 410-789-7800. CARPENTERS Local concrete construction company has immediate openings, must be experienced concrete form work Call 789-8200 Dance Brothers Inc. 0 Carpenters- PTFT.

Frame, trim, metal stud. dry wall.comm hardware. Call USA 410-526-3620 CARPENTER LABORER immed opening s-comm res, trans exp pref 444-0623 CARPENTERS HELPERS Tools transportion required. Call 410-374-1287 CARPET CLEANERS (10) Positions avail Experience helpful. Will train.

Excellent pay Call Mr Bond 242-4020 CARPETSERVICE TECH LOW KEY INDIVIDUAL TROUBLE SHOOTER CALL MR O'BRIAN 265-6080 CASHIERS FT PT 3 Amoco stations: SW Balto, St John's. Pikesville. S4 Debbie, 484-4250 CASHIER MANAGER Applv at Top Hat Cue Club. 88o Satyr Hill Rd CATV CONTRACT INSTALLERS SPLICERS needed for Balto AA. PG and Annapolis Related experience considered.

Seeking reliable contractors. Average earnings 1200 par wk Must have own truck tools. 1-800-607-2889. EOE. CATV Independent Underground Contractors needed for AA County Annapolis areas.

Must have own truck and tools Great rates. 1-8OO-507-2889 EOE CHEF, PASTRY Seeking experienced, talented pastry chef for gourmet coffee bar European pastry shop. Applicants must contact Chef Paul at 410-539-7344 CLERICALINSURANCE IMMEDIATE FuR lima position with benefits Downtown life ms co PC exp pref tor interview calf 685-7111 CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN Experienced in all all phases of commercial and industrial construction and concrete work. Supervisory skills necessary Good starting pay benefits pkg Refs. required Call wkdays 9-5 410-323-2100 Construction SUPERINTENDENT Tenant buildout for dental offices.

5 yrs min. exp. Resume to include: salary and refs. FAX 410-821-6912 or mail: PO Box 10489 Balto, MD 21209 CONSTRUCTION Medical equipment company is seeking a Project Manager, perform design, control multi construction projects. Must have tech aptitude, familiar wAUTOCAO, BS BCN.

CE or EE Fax resume to G. Setber 410-872 4427 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Field Manager with extensive on-site experience managing the construction of jails andor prisons Send resume and salary requirements to Woodward. 25331 River Run Trail, Zuni, VA 23898 CONSTRUCTION Quantity Take-OtfEstimator Minimum 3-5 years experience general contracting. For consideration please fax resume to Ron at NSC Contractors Fax 410 298-8165 CONSTRUCTION Metal Stud Framers, drywallers, supervisors, finishers acoustical ceiling persons Local or travel. Call 501-632-2424 CONSTRUCTION LABORERS, PIPE LAYERS, OPERATORS 3 yrs exp.

own transp req Apply person C. Simons, 201 1 Belair Rd Fallston. CONSTRUCTION. Skilled, exp ft sell-directed const, worker. $11 hr 715-1105 CONTRACTORS WANTED Large Property Management firm is seeking to establish business relationship with minority, women, and disabled veteran business enterprises (MBEWBE DVBE I Landscaping, Parking Lot Sweeping, Snow removal.

Exterminating, parking Lot Repairs, and General Contractors. Interested parties respond to First Washington Management, Inc 4350 East-West Highway, Suite 400, Bethesda. MD 20814. No phone calls please. COOK-LINE COOK, exp in saute, broif (h gnu Apply person bet 2 ft 6 PM.

Mt Washington Tavern, 5700 rcewpury st jcv-oauj COUNSELORDD Gain exp. in counseling neiai MiDnr AO. no exo nec. SB 30hr hve-m. req.

BA or 4 yrs exp or comb Lar a iic must. EOE 363-8550 DATA PROCESSING MGR FT pos avail tn private medical billing otiice. computer science or into sys degree pref Exp needed in PC support, Novell Network admin. AS400 system support, and medical billing Strong mgmt planning skills needed RPG programming a plus Exc. compensation benefits Call 281-9191 for info DELIVERY DRIVER FT ft PT positions Pref retired person.

Apply in person, 7643 Harford Rd DELIVERY PERSON needed for Newspaper. Reliable help, good pay. 321-42b2 DELIVERY DRIVER for new furniture store in Catonsville-Call Susan 744-8888 DENTAL ASSISTANT Position is available for X-Ray certified assistant to join our caring staff in a modern office in the Pikesville area Benefits included. Evenings Saturday For interview please call Mrs. Wright at t4-3Ut DENTAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Please look for additional Den tal employment opportunities in our new employment classification, "Allied Health" class 491 DENTAL ASSISTANT PT, 1Vj dayswk.

Glen Bur- nie. wj-djuu DRIVER- Lumber Yard exp oniy. uass a a tui iic Steady work 789-6101 DRIVERS TRACTOR TRAILER Distribution Carrier, Inc is in immediate need of qualified OTR drivers. We are a rapidly growing TL carrier based in Pittsburgh with terminals in Hanover, PA Taylor, Ml. If you want to drive new equipment, be treated as a person ft not a number, reap some of the best benefits, you owe it to yourself to call 1 800-621-3300 for more information on how to torn a winning teanv DRIVERS Flatbed operation, both local and long-distance.

Very hign revmile 24 rate pay, complete medical, vision, presc plan ft saving plan Must have flatbed exp. ft good MVR Call 800-848-5833 Joe or Tim Omni Transport, Inc DRIVERS (2) nquired lor local pier naming vemcie provided Good driving record ft class A-CDL needed Good wages ft excellent benefits 401K plan. Please send qualifications to: Box M8623 SUN DRIVER SCHOOL BUS We are looking for expd school bus operators. Must have a CDL class wP endorsement clean driving record Call Woodiawn Motor Coach, 9-4. M-F 655-0880 DRIVERS TANK WAGON DRIVERS WANTED Must have Class A or license with CDL and Hazmat Endorsement.

Carl Petro xpress at 410-356-3849 MAaun nun a GREETING IN THE Baltimore Sun. State Work phone 7 mi I has. par fm. IBrde tat Bidders are edvised that price proposals are due on the date set forth above. The MBEWBE utilization commitment forms, including Form are due within seven (7) days of the submission of the Price and Technical proposals.

Bidders should pay particular attention to the instructions contained in the bids as well as the use of the appropriate bid envelope for each submission APPROVAL OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION CONTRACT NO 96023 APPROVED SHIRLEY A WILLIAMS Clerk, Board of Estimates LESLIE WINNER Principal Counsel PAMELA SCHEVITZ Chief, Equel Opportunity Compliance Office FREDERICK MARC Chief, Transportation Engineering Division DAVb L. MUN I uUMtnT Head. Bureau of Transportation GEORGE BALOG Director of Public Works NOTICE TO BIDDERS ATTENTION: SUB-CONTRACTORS Local General Contractor is preparing a bid for Maryland Port Administration Project No Dundalk Marine Terminal. Maintenance and Repair Facility, bid on December 19, 1995, and is soliciting sub-quotations from any all MDOT Certified MBE contractors for work in their particular fields. Plans and specifications are available from MDOT, or can be reviewed at the Dodge Room, or at the address below.

Contact BCI Contrac tors, 711 Central Avenue, Baltimore. Maryland 21202 Phone 410276-2800 or Fax 410276-2821 An Equal Op portunity Employer BOARD OF LIQUOR LICENSE COMMISSIONERS FOR BALTIMORE CITY NOTICE Petitions have been filed by the following applicants for licenses to sell alcoholic bever ages at the premises set opposite their respective names. Written protests must be filed before 4 pm. Wednes day, December 27, 199b at the Liquor Board Office, Suite 200, 10 South Street, Balti more. MD 21202 Conferences on these applications will be held on December 28, 1995 beginning at am.

at the office of the Board Applications requiring a public hearing will be scheduled on or after January 4. 1 996 Interested parties may contact the office of the Board, Suite 200, 10 South Street, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202 or by calling (410) 396-4380 to determine the exact time end place that a particular application will be considered by the Board. Written protests will be acknowl edged by the Board and such Protestants wilt be notified as to the date, time and place of the hearing andor conference 1. CLASS BEER, WINE LIQUOR (OFF SALE) Kim, Mike Transfer of Ownership; 2550 Edmondson Avenue. Kang.

Mun Transfer of Ownership; 1 701 W. Baltimore Street. Harbor Liquors, Garrett, Cynthia, Cohn, Myrna; Amending Corporate Name Adding One Corporate Officer; 10 Lombard Street. 2. CLASS BEER.

WINE ft LIQUOR Classic-Penn Station. LLC, Kaplan, Gail. Dopkin, Anseia; New License; 1515 N. Charles Street. Lambda Tavern, Mar- kiewicz, Lisa Transfer of Ownership ft request for live entertainment; 309-11 W.

Madison Street. 3. CLASS BD-7, BEER, WINE LIQUOR (ON-SALE GENERALLY 7 DAYS) Sammy's Bar, Inc. Abdo, Hizam; Transfer of Ownership; 4705-07 York Road. Jay's Tavern, Bloom.

Morris, Bloom, Minnie; Adding 131b-17 Charles Street to existing license at 1309-11 Charles Street; 1309-17 Charles Street. Club Dynamix, Hoiley, Let tie. Holley, Vera; Transfer of Ownership ft Request To Add Second Floor; Pennsylvania Ave Ana ma. Inc. Demetnades, Anastasia, Demetnades, Maria, Request restrictions to be lifted: "No live entertainment to include Go-Go ft DJ Food sales must exceed 60 ot total sales.

No sale of package goods 1928 Fleet Street Kirkpatrick. r-rank A irens- fer of Ownership; 1712 Pratt Street. BG. ft T. Stenkovic.

Phillip Stankovic, James Transfer of Ownership; 200-02 W. Pratt Street. BJ Man, Lissau. Caro lyn Transfer of Ownership, 16 Custom House Avenue. Butts and Betty's Tavern.

Johnson. Cindy VV Transfer ot Ownershtp; 2200 Gough Street 4. CLASS 0" BEER. WINE A LIQUOR (TAVERN 6 DAYS) Soorts Exchanoe. Inc top.

Zachery 0 Transfer of A HArrY AINU HOLIDAY on Sunday, December 24. to The Baltimore Sun. 0001. Or Fen to: (410) 7BH507. -Zip.

aiaeaieal mi eaa af mm taske) Sue 9 LC mmmm Ownership location from 1313 E. Pratt Street; 102 N. Liberty Street Et Votlat, Drubay, At exa Drubay. Phillips Schnitker, Richard Trans fer of location from 6100 Falls Road; 620 S. Wolfe Street Kirkpatrick, James; Transfer of ownership ft location from 4507 Pennington Avenue.

1513 McHenrv Street. 6 CLASS BEER ft WINE KMN, Diakokomnikos. Komninos. Diakokomnikos Nicholas; Transfer of owner ship ft location from 425 Payson Street; 1022 S. Light Street.

AMF Bowtmg Centers, tnc Bardaro, Michael Everett, Karen Miller, Roberta A. Transfer of Ownership; 6101 Harford Road. MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT AIR AND RADIATION MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND OPPORTUNITY TO REQUEST AN INFORMATIONAL MEETING The Maryland Department of the Environment (the De received Permit to Construct application from Grace Davison on October 17, 1995 to modify its Silica Alumina FCC plant using DA catalyst as a binder controlled by existing scrubbers to control hydrogen chloride emis sions. I he proposed modifica tion will be located at 6500 Chemical Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21226 An informational meeting will be held on January zu, lyye at uu at the Brooklyn Community Branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library. Baltimore, Mary land 21226-1828 Pursuant to the Environ ment Article, Section 1-f303(a), Annotated Code of Maryland, the Informational Meeting has been scheduled so that citi zens can discuss the application and the permit review process with the applicant and the Department.

Copies of the application are available tor oub ic insoection Ask for Docket 95-39 at the following locations during normal business hours. Maryland Department of the Environment Air end Radiation Management Administration 2500 Broenmg Highway Baltimore. Maryland 21224 Enoch Pratt Free Library Brooklyn Community Branch Baltimore, Maryland 21225-1828 (410)396-1 120 The Department wiH provide an tnterpreteter for deaf and hearing impaired persons provided that a request is made for such service at least five (6) days prior to the meeting Further information may be obtained by calling George Beerh at (4101 b31-323U. MERRYLIN ZAW-MON, Director Air and Radiation Management Administration PUBLIC NOTICE THE BALTIMORE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE BALTIMORE COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS REGARDING YACHT CLUBS IN MARITIME ZONES and PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE BALTIMORE COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS REGARDING BEAUTY AND BARBER SHOPS IN RESIDENTIAL OFFICE (RO.I ZONES on January 4. 1996, at 6 00 p.m.

in Room 106. County Office Building, Towson, Maryland Persons in need of special accommodations for disabilities should call 887-3495 PAT KELLER. Secretary to the Board Pursuant to the power of sale contained under the Maryland Self Store Facility Act Senate Bill Number 122: The following property will be sold at public auction on December 20, 1995 at 10:00 A.M. on the premises of Storage USA, 6100 Rossville Blvd Baltimore. MD 21221.

Terms of Sale: Cash. 37 Barbara Pin-dattRobert Barthalow; 68 Michael Simon; 91 Melvm Bennett; 101 Dma Reel: 219 Linda Frontera; 282 Tare Dean; 439 Gloria Christian; 456 Richard Walter; $519 Tangerla Gaitther. ARMY BLANKET GREEN LOST wBoy's Scout patchs Reward $100 410-472-7322 CAT greyblk tiger stripe wwht markings Lost 126 Greensprmg Dover Rds. 363-2028 or 2529 REWARD CAT Male, large gray white Tabby, neutered Lost in Parkville area 1116. Reward if found 668- 76 72 DOG, Lost 1213, Tasha, fern.

Boxer, brn, 6 mo old, knot on back Pasadena Magothy Beach. Reward any info aoprec 437-9372 GERMAN SHEPHERD 6 mo. female btktan, purple collar Loved family member REWARD offered -for any info or return. 621:2613 eViiieti Mat) ewiltMe ia 3 A the Bid or Proposal for an amount which is not less than that determined by multiplying the total bid submitted by two percent will be required with each bid over $100,000 00. If the bid is less than or equal to $100,000.00 no Bid Bond is required Ait bidders, proposers and contractors are advised that they must provide payment and performance security the full amount of the contract if the contract exceeds $50,000 .00.

Payment and per formance security for con tracts shall either be: t.A bond executed by a surety company autho rized to do business in the State of Maryland. and approved by the City Solicitor; 2. Cash an amount equivalent to a bond; or 3. An irrevocable letter of credit. Bidders, proposers, and contractors interested in utiliz ing the City's Self-Insurance Program tor payment and performance security for con tracts now exceeding $100,000 00 may contact the Department of Finance, the Program Administrator, for eli gibility requirements and pre mium costs.

The Board of Estimates re serves the right to reject any and ell Bids andor to waive technical detects, if the judgement, the interest of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore may so require. Bids, when filed, shall be irrevocable Attention of Bidders is called to the Minimum Wage Rates to be paid on this project All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be prequalified by the City of Baltimore Contractors Qualifi cation Committee. Room 9, Abel Wolman Municipal Build ing. Baltimore, Maryland 2 1 202 whose recommenda tions for en assigned dollar Work Capacity Hating and Work Classification are ef fective after ratification and confirmation by the Board of Estimates. Contractors will not be permitted to bid for any single Contract having a dollar value in excess of the contrac tor's assigned Work Capacity Rating and will not be awarded any Contract it the contract dollar value, when edded to the contractor's uncompleted backlog at time of award, exceeds the contractor's assigned Work Capacity Rating Subcontractors intending to perform work in excess ot $25.000 00 on this Contract must have established Qualification for an adequate Work Capacity Rating and the neces sary Work Classifies tion(s) be fore they ere permitted to commence work The Cost Classification Range for this project will be trom liuu.uuu to A Pre-Biddmg Information session will be conducted in the conference room of the Bureau of Transportation, C.

Benton Building, Room 733. 417 E. Fayette Street, ai 10:00 A.M. on December 21, 199b. Questions or concerns rela tive to the scope of work, equipment requirements and scheduling, must be submitted in writing to the Project Manager during the session Answers will be handled through the issuance of ad denda Principal Items of work for this protect ere: Reinforced Cement Concrete Paving 630 S.Y.

Bituminous Concrete Paving 3bU Ions Baltimore City hereby notifies all Bidders that it will affirmatively insure thet in any Con tract entered into pursuant to this advertisement. Minority and Women's Business Enter prises wiH be afforded full opportunity to submit Bids response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. Under the Baltimore City Minority end Women's Business tnterpnses Program a successful bidder must comply with the goal requirement to subcontract not less than twenty percent (20) of the total Contract to minority Businesses, and not less than three percent (3) of the total Contract to Women's Businesses in accordance with Ordinance No. 610, Article I of the Baltimore City Code Section 2 1 7 et seq. This contract contains a sam ple minority bid package (MBEWBE) documents).

The accompanying manila bid enve lope contains MBEWBE original documents, including Form end BAIP original docu ments which must be completed for ell contracts The information in the MBEWBE package, including Form F's. are to a completed and submitted in the white envelope one week after you submit your bid proposal. Failure to submit vour bid proposal Fail ure to submit the information in the proper envelope at the time requested will be cause to have your bid rejected- Contractors should be aware that within the City of Baltimore, operators of certain types of construction equipment must be licensed by the Board of Licenses for Construction Equipment Operators (396-4290). Ordinance 787 of; Jury; 1991; Ordinance 303 of I Febtuary, 1994.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.