The Elder Scrolls Online currently features 8 Companions. Mirri and Bastian can join players who own the Blackwood Chapter, Ember and Isobel can join players who own the High Isle Chapter. Azandar and Sharp-as-Night can join players that own the Necrom Chapter and finally Zerith-var and Tanlorin can join players who have an active subscription to ESO Plus or purchase them via the Crown Store.
In this Companion Guide, we will review Zerith-var, the Khajiit Necromancer companion.
You can also explore our Companions Guide for more information on the remaining ESO Companions.

Zerith-var Background Story
The world has changed much since his day. Zerith-var, necromancer of the Order of the Hidden Moon, knows he has been sent to this time for a reason. Call your tamiit to your side to seek Azurah’s twilight path together.
Check The Best Companions Ranked For ESO
How To Unlock Zerith-var In ESO
Players can unlock Zerith-var by purchasing him from the ESO Crown Store or by having an active subscription to ESO Plus and then completing his Introduction Quest which begins in the zone of Reaper’s March.
Zerith-var Rapport Ratings
Companions in The Elder Scrolls Online use a Rapport system which indicates how much a Companion likes or dislikes you. Be careful not to offend your Companion too much or they may no longer join you in your journeys! Increasing your Companion’s Rapport can also unlock more quests and dialog options with them.

How To Increase Rapport With Zerith-var
- +125 Complete a Northern Elsweyr Defence Force Daily Quest (Elsweyr Prologue in Grahtwood)
- +125 Complete a Tales of Tribute Daily Quest
- +10 Complete a Tales of Tribute match (doesn’t matter if you win or lose)
- +10 Consume a Purifying Bloody Mara
- +10 Heal yourself while in a critical state (red edges on the screen)
- +10 Acquire the Werewolf Skill Line (triggered for me with the PTS-exclusive Werewolf Maxer item, could possibly trigger by leveling up any skill line)
- +10 Destroy a Dark Anchor
- +5 Defeat Tho’at Replicanum in the Infinite Archive
- +5 Visit the Baandari Trading Post in Malabal Tor
- +5 Harvest from a Water node
- +5 Loot a Heavy Sack
- +1 Kill a Vampire
- +1 Defeat a Cycle Boss in the Infinite Archive
- +1 Kill a Skeleton
- +1 Kill a dro-m’Athra
Actions that Decrease Rapport With Zerith-var
- -1 Fill a Soul Gem with Soul Trap and its morphs or with the Oblivion’s Edge set (Soul Lock passive will not affect his Rapport)
- -1 Murder civilians
- -1 Use the Blade of Woe on civilians
- -5 Sell or Launder stolen items
- -5 Get a bounty from using Necromancer ‘s Criminal Act skills
- -5 Consume a Corrupting Bloody Mara
Thanks to Maitsukas and the entire ESO PTS forum for contributing to this list!
Zerith-var Companion Perks
Zerith-var has a special Companion Perk that you can unlock called Zerith’s Guidance that helps highlight heavy sacks in the environment. Players can take advantage of this perk even when he is not actively with them.
Zerith’s Guidance
Ja’kh uses his keen eyes to point out Heavy Sacks.
Companion Gear and Equipment
Each Companion is a fully customizable combat NPC. This means that you can build your Companion into a specific Combat Role such as Tank, Healer, DPS, or hybrid. One of the main ways to customize your Companion is through Companion Gear.
Companions in ESO currently cannot use the same sets as Players. Instead, they use Companion Gear. Companion Gear is basic equipment that offers a static Armor Bonus or Damage Stat plus Companion-specific traits. These 9 unique Companion Gear Traits further customize your Companion’s combat role for tanking, healing, or DPS.
The 9 Companion Gear Traits are:
- Aggressive – Increases Companion Damage Done per piece equipped.
- Augmented – Increases duration of all Companion Buffs and Debuffs per piece equipped.
- Bolstered – Reduces Companion Damage Taken per piece equipped.
- Focused – Increases Companion Critical Strike Rating per piece equipped.
- Prolific – Increases Companion Ultimate Generation per piece equipped.
- Quickened – Reduces Companion Ability Cooldowns per piece equipped.
- Shattering – Increases Companion Penetration per piece equipped.
- Soothing – Increases Companion Healing Done per piece equipped.
- Vigorous – Increases Companion Maximum Health per piece equipped.
To learn more about Companion Gear and specifically how to find it FAST check out our Companion Gear guide for ESO.

Zerith-var Companion Skills in ESO
Zerith-var starts out with basic skills very similar to that of the Necromancer Class in ESO. Zerith-var’s Companion Skills are found below. Click on a Skill Name for Full Details.
Warrior’s Banishment (Damage)
Varmiina’s Visage | Zerith-var launches a nightmarish exploding skull at an enemy, dealing 4950 Flame Damage. |
Sepulchral Chill | Zerith-var sanctifies the ground at the target location, dealing 990 Frost Damage every 2 seconds over 8 seconds and applying Major Breach to enemies within, reducing their Spell and Physical Resistance by 5948 for 6 seconds. |
Strands of the Lattice | Zerith-var dislodges a spirit’s ties to a corpse, releasing spiritual energy and dealing 1237 Disease Damage every 2 seconds over 10 seconds to all enemies around the corpse, around themselves, and between them and the corpse. When this release ends it causes the corpse to explode, dealing an additional 4950 Disease Damage to all enemies around the corpse. |
ULT: Blade of the Crossing | Zerith-var calls upon the power of Azurah, swinging a blade of lunar light in front of them, dealing 4950 Magic Damage. Enemies damaged by this ability have Minor Magickasteal applied for 10 seconds, causing them and their allies to restore 169 Magicka to attackers every 1 second when damaging enemies. |
Guardian’s Commitment (Tank)
Crescent Scythe | Zerith-var summons an implement of moonlight that slashes the enemy’s life force, dealing 4950 Magic Damage. They heal for 2639 Health every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. The healing of this ability scales off their Max Health. |
Perigean Armor | Zerith-var wraps themselves in moon-empowered bone, granting them Major Resolve, increasing their Spell and Physical Resistance by 90 for 10 seconds. While active, enemies that strike them with ranged attacks will be pulled toward them once every 2 seconds and become taunted for 15 seconds if they are not already taunted. Creates a corpse when effect completes. |
Dark Moon Totem | Zerith-var summons an effigy of bone harboring the souls of fallen Khajiit at the feet of any enemy for 8 seconds and applies fear for 4 seconds. After 2 seconds the totem grants Minor Protection to them and their allies, reducing their damage taken by 5% and beings fearing nearby enemies every 2 seconds, causing them to cower in place for 4 seconds. |
Remedy Of Atonement (Heal)
Penance of Lorkhaj | Zerith-var sacrifices their own power to repair damaged flesh, healing themselves or an ally in front of them for 4950 Health but applying Minor Defile to themselves for 4 seconds, reducing their healing received and damage shield strength by 6%. |
Azurah’s Embrace | Zerith-var absolves the misdeeds of fallen souls at the target location, healing themselves and their allies for 990 Health and removing up to 3 negative effects. |
Atoning Spirit | Zerith-var conjures a ghostly spirit of a fallen Khajiit to redeem its soul in service to Azurah for 8 seconds. The spirit heals them or the lowest Health ally around them every 2 seconds restoring 2475 Health. |
Passive Skill
Third Moon’s Chosen | Decreases ability cooldowns by 3% and increases Health by 3%. |
Weapon, Armor, and Guild Skill Lines
Zerith-var can also use Companion Skills from the following Skill Lines:
- Two-Handed
- One Hand And Shield
- Dual Wield
- Bow
- Destruction Staff
- Restoration Staff
- Fighter’s Guild
- Mage’s Guild
- The Undaunted Guild
- Light Armor
- Medium Armor
- Heavy Armor
Click on a Skill Name below to learn more.
Companion Two-Handed Skills
Staggering Swing | The Companion slams an enemy with an upward swing and sends them flying, dealing 8034 Physical Damage, stunning them for 2.5 seconds and knocking them back 4 meters. |
Sunder | The Companion slices all enemies in front of them with a mighty swing, dealing 4017 Physical Damage and an additional 4016 Physical Damage over 8 seconds. |
Sever | The Companion spins around and strikes an enemy down, dealing 24102 Physical Damage. Used only when the enemy is below 25% Health. |
Companion One Hand And Shield Skills
Provoke | The Companion thrusts their weapon with discipline precision at an enemy, dealing 4017 Physical Damage and taunting the enemy to attack them for 15 seconds. |
Bashing Bulwark | The Companion rushes an enemy and rams them, stunning them for 4 seconds. |
On Guard | The Companion bolsters their defenses, granting a damage shield that absorbs 25% of their Max Health for 6 seconds. |
Companion Dual Wield Skills
Swift Assault | The Companion floods an enemy with steel, battering them with five consecutive attacks that each deal 1606 Physical Damage. |
Spinning Steel | The Companion launches themselves in a lethal spin, dealing 4017 Physical Damage to nearby enemies. Deals triple damage to enemies below 25% Health. |
Razor Cape | The Companion envelops themselves in a ring of floating razors, dealing 1606 Physical Damage to nearby enemies every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. The razors also shield them from attacks, reducing their damage taken by 20%. |
Companion Bow Skills
Piercing Arrow | The Companion plants a masterfully aimed arrow in an enemy’s vital spot, dealing 8034 Physical Damage. |
Trick Shot | The Companion fires a burst of arrows in one shot, dealing 4037 Physical Damage to enemies in front of them and immobilizing them for 4 seconds. |
Viper’s Bite | The Companion shoots an arrow covered in Baandari poison at an enemy, dealing 4017 Poison Damage and an additional 12048 Poison Damage over 8 seconds. |
Companion Destruction Staff Skills
Destructive Blast | The Companion blasts an enemy with magic dealing 8034 Magic Damage. Flame Blast knocks them back 8 meters and stuns them for 2.5 seconds. Frost Blast taunts them for 15 seconds. Shock Blast deals an additional 774 Shock Damage to all other enemies around them. |
Elemental Barricade | The Companion slams their staff down to create an elemental wall in front of them, dealing 8010 Magic Damage over 8 seconds. |
Arcane Nova | The Companion releases a surge of magic to enemies around them, dealing 8034 Magic Damage. |
Companion Restoration Staff Skills
Rejuvenation | The Companion shares their staff’s life-giving energy, healing themselves and a nearby ally for 11695 Health over 8 seconds. |
Mending Incantation | The Companion slams their staff down to activate its blessing, healing themselves and allies in front of them for 3900 Health. The blessing also grants 8000 Spell and Physical Resistance for 8 seconds. |
Mystic Fortress | The Companion calls on their staff’s strength to protect themselves or the lowest health ally around them, granting a damage shield that absorbs 23400 Damage. Used when the Companion or ally is below 25% Health. |
Companion Armor Skills
Haste (Light) | The Companion focuses their magical energies inward, resetting the cooldown of all their other abilities. |
Vanish (Medium) | The companion disappears in a puff of smoke, healing to full Health and becoming invisible for 6 seconds. Used when the Companion is below 50% Health. |
Bulwark (Heavy) | The Companion becomes an unstoppable defender, blocking and reflecting all attacks for 5 seconds. This ability is used when the Companion is below 75% Health and is fighting a difficult monster. |
Companion Fighter’s Guild Skills
Sniping Silver | The Companion fires a Dawnguard Vampire Hunter’s crossbow bolt at an enemy, dealing 8034 Physical Damage. Deals double damage if the enemy is an Undead, Daedra, or Werewolf. |
Ritual Of Salvation | The companion brands the earth beneath them with a rune of protection for 8 seconds. Standing within the rune reduces the damage they are their allies take by 20%. If the attacker is Undead, Daedra, or Werewolf the rune reduces damage taken by an additional 20%. |
Biting Trap | The Companion sets a sharpened blade trap in front of them, which takes 1.5 seconds to arm and lasts for 8 seconds. When an enemy triggers the trap they are immobilized for 4 seconds. If the enemy is an Undead, Daedra or Werewolf they take 4017 Physical Damage. |
Companion Mage’s Guild Skills
Starfall | The Companion calls a comet down from the constellations to blast an enemy, dealing Flame Damage. |
Reverse Entropy | The Companion envelops themselves and an ally with stabilizing magic, healing over time. |
Parallel | The Companion barters with Oblivion for power, generating 50 Ultimate. |
Companion Undaunted Guild Skills
Crimson Font | The Companion conjures a fountain of blood to sustain themselves and allies around it, healing every 1 second. Allies near the found can activate the Blood Funnel synergy, healing for 50% of their Max Health. |
Savage Instinct | The Companion ignites the fires of hate in an enemy’s heart, dealing 4017 Magic Damage and taunting the enemy to attack them for 15 seconds. Used when an enemy is not already taunted. An ally targeting the enemy can activate the Savage Explosion Synergy, causing the enemy to implode after 2 seconds, dealing 4017 Magic Damage to them and nearby enemies. Used when the enemy is not already taunted. |
Skeletal Aegis | The Companion surrounds themselves with a whirlwind of bones, granting a damage shield for 30% of their Max Health. While the damage shield holds an ally near them can activate the Bone Wall synergy, granting them a damage shield for 50% of their Max Health. |
Zerith-var Companion Builds
Zerith-var Healer Build For ESO – MENDING SPIRIT
The MENDING SPIRIT build is an impressive option for Zerith-var as a Companion Healer in The Elder Scrolls Online.
Zerith-var Necromancer Build For ESO – DARK MOON
The DARK MOON build is an amazing option for Zerith-var as a Companion Support in The Elder Scrolls Online.
Zerith-var Tank Build For ESO – CRESCENT GUARDIAN
The CRESCENT GUARDIAN build is an amazing option for Zerith-var as a Companion Tank Build in The Elder Scrolls Online
Zerith-var DPS Build For ESO – LUNAR DISCIPLE
The LUNAR DISCIPLE build is an amazing option for Zerith-var as a Companion DPS Build in The Elder Scrolls Online.
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Zerith-var Companion Guide
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ESO Companion Gear Guide
Each Companion can be fully equipped with their own Weapons, Armor and Jewelry helping you further customize their build and playstyle, but where do you get the gear? And how do you get it faster? This guide will cover it all!